Monday, October 10, 2005

No FOG tonight :(

Well there was no FOG tonight since everyone had things they had to do and that makes me sad. Next week will happen or I will have to have to give the guys hard time about commitment and keeping your word.

I haven't written about my spiritual state in a long time so here we go. This summer was a real low spot, almost as low as last fall, but being at school and around people that actually are seeking God and trying their hardest to follow him has made a huge difference for me. I have been reading the Bible and praying/having my thoughts focused on God till I fall asleep every night since the start of this semester and I feel so much better. I can also tell I am opening up some more and talking more comfortably around girls I don't know very well. That's another thing that seems strange to me is I have been getting attention from girls that hardly know me, Luke says its because I am talking more, but I don't feel like I am, oh well its all good. Anyway I have been doing really well and haven't been attacked hardly at all, but I bet it will come now since I wrote about it, oh well it won't be anything God won't provide a way out of. I could write some more but I am beat and need sleep. ~Semper Fi

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