Monday, April 14, 2008

Ripped Pants and Tractor Fun

Saturday, almost the whole house hold went to the lake house to do cleanup. We moved a lot of dead stuff and burnt it all up. I spent most of the time on the Kubota we borrowed and almost got a blister from driving with one hand, good times indeed. Anyway only two exciting things really happened. It also had rained almost the whole previous week so the ground was muddy in some places. The first one happened when I was going to go pull a pile of dirt over what had been a ditch and was not watching close enough and sunk the whole front end up to the frame in mud. I tried to back out but there was not enough wait on the back and I could not lift the front with the bucket so we had to get the Explorer and pull it out. The second one happend while Zach was drive and he was getting a bucket of dirt from the pile, which was getting pretty mud and sticky, as he was going to lift the bucket his left front tire sank and put the tractor on pretty much just that tire. If he would not of had the bucket it would have rolled. I jumped on the back it was just enough weight to get the rear wheels back down and he was then able to back out. It was exciting/scary, but what and adventure. I almost forgot about ripping my pants in all the excitement of writing about the tractor fun. We were loading eighty pound bags of cement into the bucket and I squated to lift one and back of my pants split, lol. Luckly it was after lunch and I had good underwear on. It was quite funny. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Fellowship of Men

Tonight group was a little different because three of the for leaders were gone. We sang and talked for a bit, then we broke up into smaller groups. In my group was Jordan, Branson, BK and I. It was like old times when we just had a guys group. We talked about a lot of personal stuff and I shared a lot about my relationship with my King. I can't believe how good it was, God is amazing. I needed that time and fellowship of men. We are probably going to be doing that for the rest of the semester since Ray is going to be gone. I have been missing the closeness and level of intimacy we had tonight. I have been craving it and trying to start a guys group has been on my mind again. I need to work on the M.U.G creed and get a finale draft to share with the guys. Maybe it will be the begining of a new adventure.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. ~Proverbs 27:17

So true, I can't tell you how refreshing it was to be the company of growing men in pursuit of the King. I am filled, recharged and ready for battle. Brothers prusue, seek out and fight for this intamacy with other men. Together we stand and are strong. Praise the KING!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

About time for an update

I have been really busy with school and work, so I haven't taken the time to write in awhile. Last Thursday we had a huge storm come through with tons of rain, lightning and even the tornado sirens went off. Didn't have any tornadoes touch down and the closest one was in Little Rock. It caused some damage but not very bad. This whole past week we have had a ton of rain and several parts of the state are flooded. The road to George Town is flooded, so we can't go there. Hopefully we will be able to when Luke and Emily come down on the 19th. I am really looking forward to seeing him again. Yesterday, Erin and I went over to the Jackson's to help with the birthday party they were having, it was quite the affair. They had two big blow up play things, a petting zoo, football toss, duck bob, face painting, Erin was doing this, and pony rides, which I was doing. Heart did good for the most part, until right near the end when he started making angry faces and he even kicked once. I would walk two thirds of the way and then have him trot the last stretch, which everyone really enjoyed. I had a couple of girls comeback and ride quite a few more times. The boys didn't seem to interested in the rides and I only had a couple of them come for rides. It was a neat party with a ton of kids and I had a good time giving rides. When it was time for cake I put Heart up and about that time the other horses had come down for dinner, so I fed them and then I got the currie comb brushed on Jake, Pedro and Squirt for the next hour or so, probably was not that long but it felt like it. I have a test on Monday and Tuesday which have been studying for all weekend and I should do really well on them. Not much else going on for the time being and I am going to try and write more often. Take care.~Semper Fi