Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Break

Monday I flew down to Abilene, TX to watch Sara B play basketball on Tuesday. My plane was supposed to leave at 6:55am, but just as the plane was getting ready to taxi on to the runway the pilot comes on and announces Dallas has had an equipment failure and all flights are grounded in and out of Dallas. We sat for about 30 mins and then the pilot tells us we are going to get off the plane and wait. Long story short we didn't leave till 10am and I didn't get into Abilene till 2pm almost three hours later then I was supposed to. Sara B and Kristen came and picked me up and we went to Walmart and they got some food for lunch on Tuesday. After Walmart they took me to Kristen's brother's house, which is where I was going to stay the night, while they went to basketball practice. After practice they came and got me and took me to Chickene, Sara B's favorite place to get sweet tea. The food was good, fried chicken and mashed potatoes, and the sweet tea was really good, I got a sugar rush from it. After dinner we went to their dorm and hung out. They made a cake for a friend and since Sara B was involved, a fight broke out and end with both Kristen and Sara B with chocolate cake batter all over their faces. I only got some flung on my clothes and so I got Sara B in the face, since she had gotten Kristen really good. It was really funny and fun to be apart of. hehe. After the we watched some tv while Kristen did some homework while waiting for the cake to cook. Then we went and delivered the cake and hung out there for a little while. It was getting late and they had class plus their game tomorrow, so we headed home. They stayed for a little while and then we said goodnight. A long but very enjoyable day.

Tuesday, Sara B was in class till eleven, so I slept in and watched some tv till she came and got me for lunch. We went to her dorm and her and Kristen started cooking the pasta and bread. They invited Bryce over as well, he seems like a good guy who they just met this semester. After lunch, Sara B and Kristen, had to go get ready for the game, so I hung out with Bryce till it was time for the game. They game was good, even though they lost. It was great to watch Sara B play again. After the game we said goodbye to Kristen and headed out on the road. Sara drove the first hour and half or so till she got hunger and we stopped in Ranger, TX for dinner. There was a beautiful sunset when we came out of DQ and I took a couple of pictures with Sara's camera. I drove the rest of the time. We talked the whole way home, except for about an hour or so when Sara took a nap so she could keep me company later. We talked about what was going on in our lives and what God has be doing for us and to us personally. I really enjoyed immensely and something I'll be sure we do more often. Other then that it was a pretty uneventful drive. I did see what was left of deer after it had been run over by a semi. We got home around 1:30am and said goodnight to each other and went to bed. It was a really good trip, wish I could do it more.

Wednesday not much went on during the day we both slept in and got some much need sleep. I got my programming assignment done and relaxed. Sara B spent most of the morning helping here mom get Thanksgiving dinner ready, she made mashed potatoes and cranberry stuff, both were very good. We all went to Roma's for dinner with a bunch of Sara B's family and cousins. Sara and I sat at the kids table with her cousins and had good time. Shooting straw wrappers, ice fingers, telling really really really cheesy jokes and laughing a ton. After dinner everyone came back and we watched Muppets from Space, it was pretty funny. Thursday was of course turkey day. I was a bum and watched a lot of football, and Sara watched too when she wasn't helping her mom. We everyone that was at Roma's came for Thanksgiving dinner at four. Sara B and I ate at the kids table again and again it was much fun more lame jokes and good conversation. Kids are great. After eating way to much food and desert we watched some more football. A bit later we watched Amazing Grace, which was good movie. Friday morning Luke came to see me, since him and Emily were in Memphis. He came to house and visited with everyone that was here and then he and I went to Harding so he could see the new hotel lobby. After that we came back to the house for a little bit while we waited for lunch time to come around. I took him out for lunch so we could catch up and just talk with the two of us. It was good and we talked about future plans, relationships and various other things. It was so good see him, it was like we had never been apart. After lunch he had to head back to Memphis so we said good bye. Friday night we watched Shrek the Third, I had forgotten how funny it was.

Saturday, Day of Adventure, dun dun dun. The day started at 6:30am, so we would have plenty of riding time because we had to be back by noon. It was Sara B, her cousin Shelbi and I. Shelbi had never gone riding before, so today turned out to be a really good adventure for her especially. We took our normal trail for the woods and out to the far field for some galloping. Sara was on Jake wasn't doing and running on him, so I asked her if she wanted to switch and ride Pedro. We switched and she started riding around on Pedro. I had to go and help Shelbi with Heart because he was given her trouble and she had never ridden before. After some coach she got Heart to listen better and at this point Sara B came galloping across the field. Then the three of us headed to the far side. After a bit Sara B went galloping across the field again and Shelbi and I did a little trotting and some walking in that direction. All of a sudden Heart starts loping and I was thinking, "WOW he broke a trout". Then the adventure began. Heart started crow hoping while loping, so of course Shelbi lost her seat and fell of, good thing hear is only about four and half feet tail and doesn't move that fast, I trotted over to make sure she was alright and she was. I was about to ask her to climb up so we could go get Heart, because he was making a b-line for Pedro, but he didn't stop. I told Shelbi I better go catch him before he gets out of the field. I give Jake a kick and go full speed for the entrance. As I get near Sara, who is near Heart, I yell, "I got him", as I go flying past. I just beat Heart to the entrance, but now he is trying to get around me, so now I'm herding him and after a bit of that he stopped moving and I was able to grab his reins and lead him back to Sara B and Shelbi. It was amazing, it was like Jake knew exactly what I wanted him to do and I knew exactly what need to be done and it all fell into place. It was exciting and I got to be a hero. After that Sara B and Shelbi were pretty much frozen and ready to head home. Shelbi did really well for her first time. The trip home was uneventful. Looking back I know God had a hand in the event, with Sara and I switching horses and keeping Shelbi safe during her fall and giving me an opportunity to step up and use my strength for the benefit of others. Life with God at the helm is never boring. For dinner the house family went out to a chinese buffet and when we got back I made a fire and Sara B and I sat on the couch and watched Miracle on 34th Street, which is Sara's favorite Christmas movie, with BK and her mom. Sara slept for most of it. After the Sara and Cole were having a tickling war so I jumped in to assist Cole and got a hold of her feet and went to town. Needless to say I ended up on the floor after some wrestling. Good times indeed good way to end the day and our break, at least I think so, Sara may have something to say though. :P

Sunday was bitter sweet having to say goodbye to Sara B, I will miss her presence, but she will be home in three weeks and I am looking forward to it already. At church God spoke to me through the preacher and put two things on my heart to share. One for Sara B and one for Kristen. Sharing what he put on my heart definitely put me out of my comfort zone because I was not sure how they would be received. All went well and I am getting much better at speaking when prompted by the Spirit and not worry what others will thing about it. Well this post turned into a beast, but I think it pretty much covers all the big events of my break. Definitely one of the best if not the best Thanksgiving break I have had. God be praised. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Gifts From God

Just wanted to share a couple of gifts God has given me over the last couple of days. On Monday we had a quiz in calculus, which was worth half a test, and I was pretty sure I bombed it because I got confused on the second part and started to second guess myself on the first part, but I said bag it and moved on and finished the test. Tuesday we got the "quiz" back and I made an A. I thank God for it because I know he had a hand in it. That was the first gift. The second one came today while I was eating breakfast, cheerios of some generic nature, and I as about done and as I was about to put the spoon in my mouth I looked down and low and behold a smiley face was looking at me. Two cheerios for eyes and a half one his smiley face and that was all that was on my spoon. Another gift from God.