Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm tired

So tired I am. Writing much I am not. My day went pretty good, got my DALF(Direct Access Fixed Length) program finished and turned in. I am really starting to learn some cool stuff in File Structures, we have been learning about the Huffman compression algorithm and we will be having a class competition between assigned teams to see which team can implement the algorithm the best, I am looking forward to it. Bible class was finally interesting, we talked about the problem of evil and the various arguments put forth by people. English was good as usual, I didn't fall asleep this time, probably because I had half a liter of Mountain Dew in the morning and then a liter of Pepsi for lunch. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my GUI teacher and going over my spiffy paint program that we had to do for our first project, I am looking forward to seeing what he has to say. I have seminar in the morning to at 7:05am :( so I am going to bed now. Semper Fi

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