Thursday, October 20, 2005

3 Day Weekend for the WIN!

I get a three day weekend because seminar is cancelled and so is my COBOL class. So I will be sleeping in tomorrow and spending most of the day on my GUI project and then maybe do some work on puff.

The surprise we had for Sara was, Luke, Caleb, Alan and I spelled her name out on white t-shirts, we really wanted to paint the letters on our chest but being at HU made that a no, no. When they called her name we all stood up and shouted and cheered, put a big smile on her face. I do have pictures that I will post as soon as I get them.

Last Saturday and Sunday I spent about 3-4 hours each day cutting down and cleaning up nine trees at the Montgomery's old house, with help of course. It made me sad to cut them down. I was excited and a little nervous about cutting the trees down, because I have never done that part before, but I have been taught very well by the years watching and helping my Dad bring down trees. All of them fell just where I wanted them to and that made me feel good. I sure do love running a chainsaw almost as much as I do doing weedeating. Grunt work for the win!

Tuesday night I was asked to lead Ray's small group on Wednesday and I had about nil time to prepare and I really don't like winging things like that, but a few people said I did a good job, but I feel like I bombed pretty good, but oh well so goes life and its learning experiences.

Well I think that is about it on whats happened since my last post. I am now going to play some video games for a bit before I go to bed. ~Semper Fi

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