Monday, March 30, 2009

Wolves in Sheeps Clothing

Since I have come back to the northwest I have been asking God why he called me back to this place and after seven months I think He has finally revealed His purpose for calling me back. My parents and brother have been in intense spiritual warfare for a long time and it got worse when I arrived in August. I am now convinced I was brought back to bear witness and as support for my family and others involved in this war.

I am experiencing first hand what Paul wrote in Romans 16:17-18, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 and what Solomon wrote about in Proverbs 26:23-26. I find it unbelievable that the elders of this church stand by as evil gains ground and turns this church into a social club with no depth of faith or knowledge, its breaking my heart to see the damage done to my parents, brother and the others involved. It saddens me to see how blind most of the congregation is to what is happening around them.

I know there is great evil here. I have been woken up twice in less than month in the middle of the night by a presence and I know the first time something was in the room I could feel the evil emanating from it and the second time it was not nearly as strong. I have not been scared either times for I know whose I am and rebuked it in the name Jesus Christ. It left and I went to sleep at peace. The fact I have felt this in my home tells me how serious the situation is and how much my parents and brother have been dealing with and assaulted by.

It reached a pinnacle Saturday and my parents, brother and I have done what we could and it is on the shoulders of the elders their decision to either confront this evil or to sweep it under the rug and pretend what has happened hasn't will determine our next move. I pray to God they confront the evil.

I can't explain or tell everything that has happened for I would be here writing for hours and this would turn in to a book. Instead I write to show the challenges that have been set forth and what we have been dealing with.

This is a call to arms for prayer, for the light to shine in the darkness, for the glory of God to reveal and destroy the evil that is rooted in this church, for healing and comfort for us very wounded and weary soldiers. Were it not for the Armor of God and the protection, faith and strength He has provided we would have become casualties of war.

Brothers pray for us.
To God be the glory forever.