Monday, October 31, 2005

Life is Good

Life has been really great lately, even though myself and everyone I talk to is ready for a break from school work. Last weekend was a lot of fun. Friday Alycia, Caleb, Jess and Emily came over to play games, but first Alycia made some tasty pasta and Caleb mad garlic bread, mmm good. While we where sitting there eating and chatting Zak said something about playing a hunting game on my comp and how it was fun to shoot the animals or something and Bethany made some crack about how it would be fun to shoot me, which surprised me and made me happy that another girl would take a shot at me, that hasn't really happened since the time I had Lindsy for a partner in Pictionary a long time ago. I enjoy it when people give me a hard time or make cracks about me, even though it may not appear that way on the outside. Then we played jungle Uno, which is the only way to play Uno. After that we played a couple of rounds of mexican train before calling it a night.

Saturday was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a while. Got up and eat breakfast outside in the sun, chatting and talking about various funny things. After breakfast Alycia and I watched Batman Begins, great moving. Then we started to watch an anime but had to stop because Cole was in the room and it was much to gory for a two and half year old. Later several of us watched Singing in the Rain, it was my first time seeing it. I really enjoyed it and got a lot of laughs. Later Alycia and Erin made dinner, man was that a feast. After that we watched Batman Begins, because Ray actually wanted to use his own TV :) Anyway I still enjoyed it even if it was the second time that day.

Sunday was pretty uneventful, except for lunch and the amount of pizza I ate, ten pieces and I have no idea where I put all of it. Did some work on a personal project and watched a good football game.

Today was great until about 3pm when I learned that my GUI test was today and not Wednesday like I thought, so I totally bomb that test. Its all good though because I have gotten A's on all my homework and projects and a B on the previous test. I really wanted to work outside today and get started on splitting wood but it rained pretty much all day. Also the girls where over again and made some more great food. I am getting spoiled with all this great food and being surrounded by such great ladies.

God has been good. I need to write down the things he has done for me so that I can share them. ~Semper Fi

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