Friday, October 15, 2010

Today's Verse - Job 41:11

(NIV) "Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.", God.

Humans love to think of themselves as equal with God or even a god, but this is stupid and it makes me laugh. We know so little  about our own little planet and even less about the universe. I mean we don't even know how gravity works, or whats on the bottom of the ocean. So when a human, made by God, starts to think they know better than God it makes me laugh and sad at the same time. God created everything  we can see and have yet to discover. He has the RIGHT to do as he pleases, whether he smites us all because we are to stupid to recognize who he is or to send his son to be beaten, murdered and hung on a cross because he desires a relationship with us and wants to be our father.

Know your place at the feet of God.

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