Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today's Verse - Hebrews 2:18

(NIV) Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
(CSB) For since He Himself was tested and has suffered, He is able to help those who are tested.

There is nothing on this planet that Jesus was tempted with or suffered through that is different then what we go through or deal with today. He understands and knows what its like to be human. He was human for some thirty years. He has been to hell and back, literally in my opinion, to sacrifice himself so that we may have freedom. Freedom from fear of death, freedom to come to the Fathers throne, freedom from the flesh, freedom from sin, freedom to love and freedom to live. Our freedom came at the highest price with is death. Talk to Jesus about your temptations, struggles and suffering has they are happening He will come help and comfort you.


Share with Jesus and he will share with you.

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