Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Luke 9:23-24

I understand this now. The more I give myself to Christ the more he gives me the things my heart desires. Which leads to a much better and full filling life, that can only be obtained through Christ and the death of self. I am having a really hard time putting in to words my thoughts and feelings and the complete understanding I have of these statements by Christ. I read it and the meaning just hit me in the face like a 2x4. There is no point in doing anything with your life without Christ, your dead, period. But if you kill your false self for Christ and he will restore your true self in such an amazing way you won't even recognize yourself any more. BAH, I don't have the words for this.I hope everyone comes to know this understanding and the peace it brings. Pursue Christ, death to the false self, Christ restores your true self. Well I hope someone will benefit from my sharings and ramblings. ~Semper Fi

1 comment:

Bill Reichart said...

I appreciate your thoughts as I was doing some research on the "false self". This may be of interest to you but at our men's breakfast a couple of months ago, we started a series about the "false self".

Love to hear what you think.