Sunday, February 12, 2006

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It has been awhile since the last post but then again that's been the norm. Saturday I had a bunch of gamer buddies over to watch Doom and we all had a good time watching it and making funny comments during it. Doom was a lot better then I thought it was going to be. The first person section was the best by far. Bethany was also having people over to play games and then there was a surprise party for Alycia. I had some good conversation and then before I went to bed I played a round of Oh Well, its a simple version of Spades, with Amber, Bethany, Nate, Sara and Tracy it was fun.

Sunday I went to morning church and then came back and had a nice lunch and then watched/slept through Miracle. I didn't do much else today and was just lazy this weekend. Anyway a group of us(5 girls and me :) ) went to downtown tonight and as I was sitting there thinking during the devo, it really hit me how much singing focuses my thoughts on God and how easy it is to fully worship Him while singing versus just sitting and listen to someone talk. Cause while I'm singing I am not thinking about anything else to the words to the song and what they mean, its just refreshing to be able to focus that much. I'll probably write some more tomorrow, but its late and I gotta get up in the morning. Continue prayers for wisdom, strength and fearlessness for me. ~Semper Fi

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