Friday, February 03, 2006

Guys Night Out

Tonight, Friday, we had a guys night out. Allan, Caleb, Kevin, Kyle, Jonathan, Luke and I went down to Little Rock to get measured for our tuxes, just Allan, Caleb, Kevin and I were the ones getting measured. After getting measured we went out to Chili's for dinner and had a lot of funny conversations about all sorts of things, it was most enjoyable. Then we headed for the bowling alley, but about half way there Caleb called informing me Jonathan had about six minutes of gas left, so we pulled off at the next exit which of course had no gas stations, so turned around and headed back towards the previous exit. Some how in the process Jonathan didn't see us take the first exit and kept going. A few minutes later Caleb called asking where we are and I told him we took the first exit and some how the missed it. So we decided to go on to the bowling alley and give them directions after they had gotten gas. Well after about 15mins of waiting they finally showed up, so we gave them a bad time. Well at the bowling alley we found out it was an hour to an hour and half wait for a game, so we said forget that and went to see a movie. When we were almost there Jonathan made another wrong turn thanks to bad directions from Kyle, so we made fun of them some more. Once at the theater we decided to see Good Night and Good Luck, it was a good movie and I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't so tired. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to hang out with just guys for once. Well I'm really tired and need some sleep. As always please keep me in your prayers. ~Semper Fi

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