Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pursued by the King

I find it amazing how God moves through things and uses them to draw me closer. I just got two albums by Jeremy Camp, Stay and Carried Me The Worship Project. Originally I was just going to get a song from each album, but I listened to a few on each cd and decided I had to buy the whole albums. Since then God has been speaking to me through several of the songs. I realized today the shuffle kept playing a couple of the songs over and over and mind you it was out of twenty seven songs. The words were things I needed to hear and it was God saying this is the path you must walk. My king has healed more wounds and filled needs I didn't know I still had. I have learned a lot about grace and how to apply it in my relationships. One gets an idea of what God must go though when we hurt/disappoint him, when a loved one does it to you. I now its only through grace, prayer and waiting on Lord that what has happened to me as only drawn me closer to my King. I have learned so much more about myself and I know I can endure much more as long as I cling to my King. I found I have much more grace and forgiveness then I thought I did.

These are the songs that I found especially directed towards me. You can click on the songs to see the lyrics.
I Wait For The Lord
Empty Me
I Surrender to You
Walk By Faith

I still find it hard to believe how perfect those two albums are and I know it was not coincidence I bought them when I did. My King is an amazing and wonderful friend. He knows just what to say and how to say it. He speaks to my heart like no one else. The journey I have been on over the last couple of weeks has been hard at times, but what I have gotten out of it has been more then worth the pain and tears. Praise to my King! I love you. ~Semper Fi

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