Sunday, September 02, 2007

Last Two Weeks

I am still alive, even though it has almost been a month since my last post. I finally feel like posting again so here comes a new post and update on my life. Two weeks ago I started my finale year of school and will be graduating in May. I also started working the same day. I finally had found a job the previous week with Aramark, but I needed my birth certificate or ss card to get approval to work, which I had neither, so I had to wait till my birth certificate showed up. It didn't show up till Friday evening, the weekend before school started. I had looked Friday morning at Harding's student HR page and saw that they need workers for some stockroom and hours were from 8am-4:30pm M-F, which was just perfect for me. Monday I call them and ask about the position and after my 10 o'clock class I went over there with an application and resume and got hired on the spot. I started working that afternoon after lunch. The first week of classes and working was really tiring as I would get up at 6:30am everyday and come home at 4:30pm do homework and fall asleep. It wasn't that great and I was not sure how well it was going to work out. The next week was much better, because my body has gotten used to the new routine and I enjoy going to work. The three people I mainly work with are pretty laid back and good Christians and just nice to be around. Thursday was a really good day at work. First when I was delivering stuff to the Admin building, which is about as wheelchair unfriendly as you can get, some girl went out of her way to get the doors for my which was really nice and quite unusual, as I have found out. The other thing that was nice and funny, was my boss helped me deliver eight boxes of paper. The paper was on a pallet, so we moved the pallet to where he could pick it up with their big Skytrack forklift and drove the eight boxes of paper to the library with it. I was laughing the whole time as I was following him in the van. I was too funny. Wednesday night bible study has gotten off to a good start and I think the group I am in will be really good and we will learn and grow a lot this semester. Anyway that is all for now. ~Semper Fi

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