Tuesday, April 12, 2005

And the search continues...

My search for that special girl to complete me continues once again. This feeling of missing a piece of me is a strange feeling indeed and one I would like to be ride of. For now though it looks like I will get to caring it for a while longer so goes life. If you know any cute girls that are looking point them in my direction. hehe :P

Anyway the crazy week is half over and I have made a good dent in my research paper. Found out today that it my Bible test on Thursday is going to be easier then expected. My test in OOP (Object Oriented Programming, what a mouth full) is going to be over 200 pages of text, but the test it self won't be to hard. My Internet Development project that was due on Wednesday got moved to Friday, because a lot of the other peeps in the class don't have much time to work on it aswell.

This homework break has been brought to you by the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and the number BADF00D. Now back to your regularly scheduled homework.

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