Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another Break Update

On Monday a few friends and I went and saw King Kong and it was amazing. They did a great job on the gorilla and you could even see emotion in his eyes, I was really impressed. My favorite part was the fight between Kong and three t-rex like dinosaurs, it was sweet. I also went hiking with Kyle and Ryan too. We hiked down to North Beach and threw rocks grenade style and then tried to hit them mid air with another rock, we never hit one but came close several times. We also threw rocks at floating logs and watched the tide going out and even saw a seal, an overall good time.

Thursday my brother and I are hosting a zombie day party. We will be watching several zombie moves and playing zombie related games, its going to be fun. Zombies for the win!

Other then playing Guild Wars a whole lot, I haven't done to much since the last update other then what is mentioned above. We do have two new years parties coming up, one on Friday and another on Sunday. We are having the one on Friday at my house and hopefully and I can get some people to play jungle Uno. The one on Sunday is at my friend Marcus' house and that will be lots of fun too.

On more serious note, I have been tempted quite a lot this break, so please pray for strength and diligence in my Bible reading and prayer times. Phil 4:4-7 ~Semper Fi

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

Today(Saturday) I didn't do much other then watch Seattle BEAT Indy, yeah buddy! Then my family went and watched Narnia, a must see movie. We also opened our presents tonight because we will be going to church in the morning and we all wanted to anyway. I'll get some pics up of my loot later. Merry Christmas. ~Semper Fi

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Break Update

Thursday we where supposed to go caroling to some of our older church members, mostly windows, but it decided to pour rain with a nice lightning show for the win, so that didn't happen. Friday we went to my dad's work Christmas party at Rocky Point and it was fairly boring for myself as usual. There was good food and after eating we played seven eleven, which is a game with two sets of dice traveling in opposite directions of each other in the circle and you roll the dice to see if you get a seven or eleven, if you get either you get to pick a prize off the table or steal someone else's and this goes on for a predetermined amount of time, it's quite fun. Saturday I am very much looking forward to the Seattle vs Indy game, GO SEATTLE! Well that is about it. Merry Christmas. ~Semper Fi

Monday, December 19, 2005

Made it home

It made it home yesterday safe and sound, even though we had a good gust of wind the really knocked the plane around during our landing approach, it made quite a few people nervous and one lady even half screamed that made me laugh. I thought it was a nice change from the normal boring landing sequence :) Anyway after that was over we drove home without incident. I love being back in Washington surrounded by mountains, trees and the ocean, I just really love it hear. I'll post again when something happens around here. Until then God bless and have a merry Christmas. ~Semper Fi

Saturday, December 17, 2005

On my way home

I am on my way home for Christmas break. I will write again when I get home. Pray for a safe journey for all those that are traveling. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finished Finals

Today I had my last two finals for the semester, so I am done. Not much went on this week other then spending way to much time studying. Sara had a game on Monday so I went and it was really good even though they lost in the last few mins. Today day I spit wood for 2.5 hours because I needed to do something physical. And tonight we watched Braveheart, which I had really been wanting to watch for the last few days. I had forgotten how much I like that movie. Well I am really tired, to bed I go. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Gaming Party

Tomorrow night I am hosting a old school gaming party nothing newer then N64 will be played. We even have an NES to play. Tonight I went to Sara's basketball game and man was that one of the most intense games I have been to. The game was close the entire time and the Wildcats (Sara's team) only won by 2 points in the end. It was a great game. I am sad that I will be missing her last game in this tournament, which is tomorrow night :( oh well if her team wins I'll have a good welcome party for her :). This week I had two nasty tests in GUI and File structures. I got owned on the GUI test, made only a 43%. They file structures test score was better then expected, 65%, but neither will really damage my grade in either class. Other than that not much has happened since my last post. ~Semper Fi

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Weekend for the win

This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday I went out with Bethany, Caleb and Lindsay, it was kind of a double date, we went down to Little Rock and ate dinner at Sticky Fingers, a really neat restaurant, and then we went to the Rave to watch First Descent, its a movie/documentary about snowboarding and the footage was mostly all in Alaska, which really makes me want to go to Alaska even more, it was a good movie and had lots of cool snowboarding shots. We have some pictures taking so I will see if I can get them and post them sometime. Today I spent part of the day studying and reading for file structures. Then around 5 Goonies came on in HD ftw!, so I watched that and had forgotten how funny that movie is. For dinner Bethany cooked some tasty quesadillas and there was some good guacamole too. Then a bunch of people came over and we watch Raiders of the Last Ark. Good relaxing yet productive weekend. Thank you Lord for all the blessings ~Semper Fi

Saturday, November 26, 2005

End of break is at hand.

Today Sarah and I went riding again and this time we went for about two hours, doing some trotting, cantering, and near galloping myself. It was lots of fun and felt really great. Though I am ready to get back to school now and finish up. It has been a very relaxing and restful week. I will be praying for safe travels. I have taken a few pictures that I will be posting on my pictures site: for those that don't know about it yet. It's late, I am tired, to bed I go. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am really tired so I am going to keep this short. Before the Thanksgiving dinner Sarah and I went riding for a little bit, it was a beautiful day, and man did it feel good to be on a horse again. Around one was Thanksgiving dinner and a lot of Sarah's family was here, so I met them. I ate so much food that I didn't get hungry till around eight tonight. I watched some football but mostly just played NS all day. Around ten tonight Sarah, Abraham and I went running, first time in a long while for both Abe and I, but we ran about a mile and half and my legs are already getting sore. Going to have to do a lot of stretching. Wednesday the three of us went out to eat and then went to the mail and hung out there for a bit. I think that is about it for now. I will post again tomorrow most likely. Thank the Lord for all the things he has given you. ~Semper Fi

Monday, November 21, 2005

Mmmmm break

Break has been going good. Getting lots of sleeping and relaxation. Here is what I have done so far: Saturday and today I helped paint the rec room in Sarah's bar, probably breathed to many fumes today. Also today I met Sarah's maw(grandma) , she is a big fan of Taco Bell instant connection for the win hehe, we chatted for a bit and then she Sarah money to take us out to Taco Bell for lunch. Sunday went to church and then after the night service we went and saw the new Harry Potter movie, it was good. Besides sleep and gaming a lot that's it.

On a more serious note the dark one was really after me today, I am not sure why but he hasn't hit me in a long while, but I didn't succumb to the temptation, it was close a couple of times but I made it through. Thank the LORD for providing protection and the strength. Pray continually for strength, guidance and wisdom as I do. ~Semper Fi

Friday, November 18, 2005

Thanksgiving Break

Made it to Sarah's house safe and sound. I will write about what fun stuff I do as the week goes on. We will be going to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow and I think that is all that is planned atm. I will be praying for those that still have to travel tomorrow. ~Semper Fi

Monday, November 14, 2005

FOG for the Win

Tonight we had our first real meeting, even if it was a short one, it was a good one. We just shared some of our favorite verses and chatted about them. It was really encouraging and got me pumped up and in a really good mood. I look forward to our next meeting.

What I did last weekend. Friday the 4th we had a shrimp cook out at Allan's house. Lindsay cooked the shrimp cajun style and man was that the best shrimp ever. I ate a ton of it and it didn't make me feel sick at all, like most shrimp does. After the eating frenzy was over we had a short devo, which was pretty good.

Saturday 5th, Several of us ended up making breakfast and then we just chilled out till it was time to go and see the new Zorro movie. It was alright but it turned out to be more comedy then serious, so I was a little disappointed. After the movie we came back and hung out for a bit.

Sunday 6th, I had lunch with Luke's family since they where in town at La Finc, a good mexican place. After that nothing notable happened.

God is good. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, November 13, 2005

I know I have been slacking

I know it has been a long time since my last post but I have been pretty busy and then to tired to write anything. Quite a lot has happened since my last post so I will start with today and go backwards.

Today, Sunday the 13th, I got to go and see the Marine band play in the Benson with Luke and Emily, it was really cool and the where very good. At the end they played all the armed forces songs and had the people stand up if you had served or a family member had served. I got to thinking afterwards that I could have stood for all but the Cost Guard and that's kind of scary. I have two cousins in the military right now one is an Apache pilot and the other is in the Navy. After that I helped the Montgomerys move some of their stuff from their old garage to their new one. When that was finished it was time for Jess' birthday party. We played one of those How to Host a Murder games. It was fun but really strange and crude at times. After that I helped clean up and was washing dishes, just like at camp and having a nice chat with Bethany in the process. After the dishes where done Holly showed up in the kitchen, so her and I had a good chat as well and now I am here writing this post before I go to bed.

Saturday the 12th, I got up and had breakfast as usual. Then Jeff needed some help cutting down a tree so I went with him to help with that. It took about four hours to get it down and all cleaned up. Enjoyable it was. That night a huge group of 22 people went up, half the resturant was reserved, to Georgetown for catfish. It was the best tasting catfish I have had. I inhaled my plate and didn't even feel full, it was nice. We came back and a few of us sat and just chatted for bit. Then I with Luke and Emily watched I, Robot, it was really good. After that I went to kitchen and chatted with Branson, Bethany, Sara and Lindsay for bit before calling it a night.

Friday the 11th was a long day. Had CS seminar at 7:05 am and then I learned my only class for the day was canceled so after seminar I was done. I went to breakfast after seminar as usual, then to chapel. After chapel, Alycia and I went to the library to do some homework, but after about 30 mins of reading I couldn't keep my eyes open so I pulled my hat over my eyes and took a nice nap till about 11:45 when my alarm went off for lunch, I was meeting Erin for lunch and I wanted to get to the Student Center early for a table. Had lunch with Erin and Luke, we had a good talk too. After that I went to the CS lab to work on my GUI project till Luke was done with school. Got back from school and did yardwork till about 5pm and then got cleaned up and ate dinner before we left to go see The Brothers Grim, it was a strange and slightly creepy at times, but over all a good movie. Guin and I had good time talking about games on the way to and fro. When we had dropped everyone off and had gotten back, around 10:15pm, Luke and I where both really tired so we went to bed, the earliest we had gone to bed all week and it was a Friday night, go figure.

Any way I am getting tired and I have to get up at 6:45 tomorrow so I am going to bed. Tomorrow I will right about what I did last weekend, at least what I can remember. May God guide, guard and direct your hearts. ~Semper Fi

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Tonight I sat outside and watched a beautiful thunder storm come through. I did some thinking and had some qtime with myself and God, it was wonderfully peaceful and comforting. I have had a lot on my mind, mostly girl related, but I don't want to share it with everyone, so I am not going to write about. Just pray that God will provide an answer. I still find it amazing that no matter what is going on around me or even within me I can still be at peace and remain unworried about life, because I know God will take care of me and he has provided everything I have needed, especially this semester, it is amazing. I never worry about money, food or any other kind of material need, because every time I have needed something, he has provide a means for me to get it.

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, along with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." ~Phil 4:6-7

May you come to know this peace from God. ~Semper Fi

Monday, October 31, 2005

Life is Good

Life has been really great lately, even though myself and everyone I talk to is ready for a break from school work. Last weekend was a lot of fun. Friday Alycia, Caleb, Jess and Emily came over to play games, but first Alycia made some tasty pasta and Caleb mad garlic bread, mmm good. While we where sitting there eating and chatting Zak said something about playing a hunting game on my comp and how it was fun to shoot the animals or something and Bethany made some crack about how it would be fun to shoot me, which surprised me and made me happy that another girl would take a shot at me, that hasn't really happened since the time I had Lindsy for a partner in Pictionary a long time ago. I enjoy it when people give me a hard time or make cracks about me, even though it may not appear that way on the outside. Then we played jungle Uno, which is the only way to play Uno. After that we played a couple of rounds of mexican train before calling it a night.

Saturday was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a while. Got up and eat breakfast outside in the sun, chatting and talking about various funny things. After breakfast Alycia and I watched Batman Begins, great moving. Then we started to watch an anime but had to stop because Cole was in the room and it was much to gory for a two and half year old. Later several of us watched Singing in the Rain, it was my first time seeing it. I really enjoyed it and got a lot of laughs. Later Alycia and Erin made dinner, man was that a feast. After that we watched Batman Begins, because Ray actually wanted to use his own TV :) Anyway I still enjoyed it even if it was the second time that day.

Sunday was pretty uneventful, except for lunch and the amount of pizza I ate, ten pieces and I have no idea where I put all of it. Did some work on a personal project and watched a good football game.

Today was great until about 3pm when I learned that my GUI test was today and not Wednesday like I thought, so I totally bomb that test. Its all good though because I have gotten A's on all my homework and projects and a B on the previous test. I really wanted to work outside today and get started on splitting wood but it rained pretty much all day. Also the girls where over again and made some more great food. I am getting spoiled with all this great food and being surrounded by such great ladies.

God has been good. I need to write down the things he has done for me so that I can share them. ~Semper Fi

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fighting for what I have

It occurred to be last night while I was sitting and thinking about a lot of things and being frustrated with FOG and trying to get that started, I have used a whole lot of ands, that every thing I have ever really wanted in life I have had to fight for, including the relationships I have and value so much with Luke, Alycia and my sister. I do firmly believe that anything worth having is worth fighting for and dying for if required. I also decided that my biggest struggle now is with fear itself and not acting on my intuition when I should be, because it very rarely leads me astray and I am constantly ask and seeking God's will. So pray for me that I my overcome these weaknesses. Something else I was thinking about was peoples priorities in life and how I how try to keep God first, others next and self last. I try my best to live out this and several other commitments I have made internally which I call my "Code of Honor". It is still unwritten put hopefully I will be able to make some progress on that. When I have it done it will be posted here. In case you don't remember what I mean when I say Semper Fi. It means this, Always faithful to God, family and friends. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, October 20, 2005

3 Day Weekend for the WIN!

I get a three day weekend because seminar is cancelled and so is my COBOL class. So I will be sleeping in tomorrow and spending most of the day on my GUI project and then maybe do some work on puff.

The surprise we had for Sara was, Luke, Caleb, Alan and I spelled her name out on white t-shirts, we really wanted to paint the letters on our chest but being at HU made that a no, no. When they called her name we all stood up and shouted and cheered, put a big smile on her face. I do have pictures that I will post as soon as I get them.

Last Saturday and Sunday I spent about 3-4 hours each day cutting down and cleaning up nine trees at the Montgomery's old house, with help of course. It made me sad to cut them down. I was excited and a little nervous about cutting the trees down, because I have never done that part before, but I have been taught very well by the years watching and helping my Dad bring down trees. All of them fell just where I wanted them to and that made me feel good. I sure do love running a chainsaw almost as much as I do doing weedeating. Grunt work for the win!

Tuesday night I was asked to lead Ray's small group on Wednesday and I had about nil time to prepare and I really don't like winging things like that, but a few people said I did a good job, but I feel like I bombed pretty good, but oh well so goes life and its learning experiences.

Well I think that is about it on whats happened since my last post. I am now going to play some video games for a bit before I go to bed. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Weekend almost here

Coach decided we where not ready to attack Huff and Puff yet so we went over it some more today and the teams will be assigned on Tuesday now. Tomorrow night is Sara's homecoming and since she was nominated for queen a bunch of us are going to go and cheer or boo depending on what happens. Luke and I have a little surprise for Sara but I will write about that later. I got seminar in the morning so I am going to bed. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Just checking in with a blurb as I wait for my download to complete. Not much happened in the last two days and I was really tired yesterday so I didn't bother to write. Anyway tomorrow in file structures Coach will be assigning the Huff and Puff teams, which should be interesting. I'll let you know how that goes. Other then that I don't think I have much else going on. Small group went quite well today and I can't wait until FOG gets going cause I know that's going to be a fun learning and growing experience. Downloads done and I am going to bed. Good night. ~Semper Fi

Monday, October 10, 2005

No FOG tonight :(

Well there was no FOG tonight since everyone had things they had to do and that makes me sad. Next week will happen or I will have to have to give the guys hard time about commitment and keeping your word.

I haven't written about my spiritual state in a long time so here we go. This summer was a real low spot, almost as low as last fall, but being at school and around people that actually are seeking God and trying their hardest to follow him has made a huge difference for me. I have been reading the Bible and praying/having my thoughts focused on God till I fall asleep every night since the start of this semester and I feel so much better. I can also tell I am opening up some more and talking more comfortably around girls I don't know very well. That's another thing that seems strange to me is I have been getting attention from girls that hardly know me, Luke says its because I am talking more, but I don't feel like I am, oh well its all good. Anyway I have been doing really well and haven't been attacked hardly at all, but I bet it will come now since I wrote about it, oh well it won't be anything God won't provide a way out of. I could write some more but I am beat and need sleep. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, October 09, 2005

What I did this weekend

First off, Luke and I had to go pick up a canoe that is about 18 feet long and barely fit in the van, luckily we didn't have very far to drive, especially since I was riding in the back to make sure the thing didn't slide out when we went up the hill. After we got the canoe back to the house we unloaded it and loaded up the other canoe and the little boat, that is on top of the van in the second picture, so we could move them up to the garage for safe keeping for the weekend. Because a club was having a retreat here and we didn't want the boats, that don't belong to us to get damaged by accident.

Later that day a big group of friends and a few of their parents went to Georgetown for catfish, which I don't like very much, but it was fun as usual. That is the group to right that went to Georgetown. After Georgetown we came back and played some card games and watched a movie.

Saturday I slept in for once since there was no breakfast. At 3pm we started playing baseball/softball, mostly just taking turns batting and pitching and teaching Alan, who has never played baseball the basics, he really enjoyed it. After playing for about two and half we called it quits and went and got free food at the cookout Harding was having for parents weekend. Allan was supposed to have dinner with a friend and didn't want to go by himself so I went with him. She had cooked eggs, bacon and biscuits and they where tasty. Then we drove her over to the art building and she showed us some of her projects. We also ran in to Mandy, who was working on a painting there as well. After that Allan and I heading back to my house to hang out and play Sequence and we finished the night with a movie.

Tomorrow is the first meeting of my FOG(Fellowship of Gamers) group its a fellowship/Bible study group. I am kind of nervous as I have never lead anything like this so pray for wisdom and guidance for me and the guys involved. Well thats it for this post. ~Semper Fi

Friday, October 07, 2005

Keeping this short

I have a pretty good story to share about what Luke and I did today but you will have to wait till tomorrow because I am way to tired to write anymore. Good night, God bless. Semper Fi

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I'm tired

So tired I am. Writing much I am not. My day went pretty good, got my DALF(Direct Access Fixed Length) program finished and turned in. I am really starting to learn some cool stuff in File Structures, we have been learning about the Huffman compression algorithm and we will be having a class competition between assigned teams to see which team can implement the algorithm the best, I am looking forward to it. Bible class was finally interesting, we talked about the problem of evil and the various arguments put forth by people. English was good as usual, I didn't fall asleep this time, probably because I had half a liter of Mountain Dew in the morning and then a liter of Pepsi for lunch. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my GUI teacher and going over my spiffy paint program that we had to do for our first project, I am looking forward to seeing what he has to say. I have seminar in the morning to at 7:05am :( so I am going to bed now. Semper Fi

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Camping Trip Finished

Here is Luke our main pyro in action. We played with the fire till we ran out of lighter fluid and then this one bull showed up, I bet you can't guess what went through our heads. hehe. Anyway we started mooing and making noises at the bull and he was giving us a funny look, so Caleb decided to see how close he could get. The bull wasn't impressed, so it was Alan's turn to try. The bull was still not impressed, so Luke gave it a try. Nate and I this whole time are just sitting at the picnic table debating whether the bull would do anything and if it did what would we do. After all that fun the bull was still not impressed and moved on. So we sat down and had a good talk/debate about some issues and shared some stuff that was on our minds and then prayed about them. Then we packed up and headed to town. We stopped and looked around in the cool antique shops and got ice cream at this old ice cream parlor, man that was some good stuff. We stopped just out side of town on the other side of the river and took some more pictures. Finally we started on the road home. After about an hour or so of driving we all got super tired like someone had drugged our ice cream, so we stopped at Greers Ferry Dam and walked around to wake up and make bathroom runs. We had an uneventful trip back after that. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it down. Until next time. Semper Fi

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Camping Trip Continued

After getting the fire started and the tent up myself and Alan went and gathered some more kindling size wood for in the morning while waiting for the fire to be ready to cook on. When the fire was ready we started cooking our kabobs, which had steak, onions and green and red peppers on them. That's them to the right, mmmm tasty. After the kobobs where done Caleb made some Chi and man did that hit the spot. After eating we chatted for a bit about random stuff and said Mmmmmm a lot, it was the word of the trip, lol just thinking about it makes me laugh, then we went to bed after deciding to get up at 6:15 to watch the sun come up. Luke and I took quite a few pictures of the river as the sun came up and they all came out pretty good. We started cooking
once the fire was ready. We cooked eggs, bacon, sausage and potatoes. We even fried some of the sausage and potatoes in bacon grease, mmmmm good. MMMMM look at all that good food. After cooking and eating we started playing in the fire and got out the lighter fluid and had us a good time. I will write about that tomorrow because I am really tired and need to go to bed. Semper Fi

Monday, October 03, 2005

Camping Trip

Went camping on Sept 23-24 at a place called Calico Rock with Luke, Nate, Alan and Caleb. That's the river we camped next to. Anyway here is how we ended up there. We planned to camp at Blanchard Springs but when we got there the camp ground was very full as in you can reach out and touch your neighbor and they where all scary hill people. So where like lets get out here, so we drove back to this store and asked if there where any other good sites around and so we went and looked at them and none where what we where looking for. There was this one site that you had to drive across this wooded suspended bridge that made some serious noise when we drove across it. Anyway we headed North on highway 5 because there where supposed to be some more sites up that way. Well after driving for about 10mins we passed this "camping site", which was really just a gravel pit, we laughed at it as we passed. So after driving for another 5-10mins, Caleb wanted to turn back, he was driving point, but Luke and I got out the road atlas and saw that we where only about 10mins from Calico rock, so we passed him and kept on going. When we got to the town, that's part of it to the right, it was dark so we pulled over and waited for Caleb to catch up. So we debated a little on what to do next and decided to just drive through the town and see what we see. So right at the first turn we see two signs for camping places. We follow them. Luke and I are at point and we come up on the first place and try and read the sign in the dark as we drove by. I saw the sign for the next place so Luke continues on the road. We cross some railroad tracks and make comments about this bull that was out of its pen standing next to the road. Then we spot the turn in sign for the second place. We pull in and there is nobody at the office so Caleb calls a number posted on the door and they tell us to just pick a spot and make our selves at home. We picked a spot at the very end of the place away from the other couple of campers there and proceeded to make camp and get the fire started in the dark, that was fun. I will finish the rest of the story tomorrow. Semper Fi

Sunday, October 02, 2005

New Week, New Promise

I know it has been ages since the last post but being without Internet for over a month and not have much desire to write adds up, but I am going to make a commitment to post everyday from now on. Tomorrow I will write a real post about what's been going on lately. Until then, Semper Fi.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What I did on the weekend

I'll start off with the laptop vs .357 and .38 special mayhem. The same pistol was used that is pictured below.

Last weekend the family went over to a friends ranch in eastern Washington called the Lost Moose Ranch , a very nice and beautiful place. We mostly just hung out and relaxed Friday afternoon after the six hour drive. On Saturday we went trail riding around the 160 acres they have and then went back to their cabin and went knee boarded and cruising in their boat. Then on Sunday we helped move the guys gun safe from his garage over to the second floor at the ranch house, man was that thing heavy it took four guys to move that thing and we could have used one or two more if there had been room on the strairs. We got to see his gun collection and man would I have liked to shoot some of them, like the AR15 and his assault shotgun, my two favorites out of his collection. Then we said our good byes and headed home, though not with out stopping at he gun range and shooting up the laptop. That's the short version of what I did.

Anyway at the end of this week I will be on a road trip for about 3 weeks or so, so I don't know when I will have Internet access so this may be my last post for a while. Pray for a safe journey. Semper Fi

Monday, July 18, 2005

.357 vs Monitor

Really old Samung monitor versus a .357 magnum hollow point. Aftermath below.

Well I sure had fun this afternoon. Semper Fi

Monday, July 11, 2005

Checking in

This will be a short post tonight. Not much going on here atm, just working and playing/programming games in my free time. Today Nick and I cleared our back fence line in preparation for putting a fence up. It was not nearly as thick with brush and crap as I thought it was going to be so that was a bonus. Going to be at my Grandpa's tomorrow doing logging stuff, which keeps my muscles busy. Hosting another LAN Party on the 22nd-23rd if all things come together it will be the last one for me, which makes me sad :( I will be leaving for school around the 30th of this month so my break is almost over :( I am tired so good night, God bless. Semper Fi

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Uber Instalose

During music camp one of my duties, along with my fellow kper Marcus, was to do cabin check, which just involves going through each of the campers cabins and grading them with our made up system of checks. Anyway one day as we where making our rounds we came to the senior guys cabin and they had this nice little notice on the door telling us not to bother checking there cabin, well being thorough checkers we proceeded to enter and found quite the disaster. Nothing was picked up, trash on the floor, unmade bunks, dirty bathroom all of which earned the cabin a uber instalose, the only cabin of the week to get a uber anything. The best part is when Marcus was giving the accounting of how each cabin did, before the whole camp, when he announced the seniors cabin got an uber instalose was the faces and reactions all the campers as the majority don't even know the word uber and had never heard the word instalose before it was great fun throwing in some D&D and other great geek stuff. The coolest part is I started hearing campers using instalose in sentences, new words ftw!

Another fun thing Marcus and I did, being the uber geeks we are, was naming the three drink dispensers. One had sweet tea in it all the time so we named it STEA, lame it is I know, the second one we name Randomaid, because the campers never knew what was going to come out, this one was the most popular with the campers but not the best name. The third one we named Dihydrogen Oxide, which is water for all you none geeks, which was my favorite name, gotta give props to Marcus for that one though.

That is all. Semper Fi

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Alive I am

I know it has been a very long time since my last post but I have been busy and haven't felt much like writing. Here is what has happened since my last post.

Hosted a LAN Party on the 3rd and 4th of June. It went really well and had about 8 peeps total. We played too much CS, some NS and had too much fun playing Zombie Panic, also played a lot of Warcraft III, I think that is all.

Attended a LAN Party on the 10th and 11th of June. It only had 6 of the supposed 12 attendees, but it was funny none the less. We played again too much CS and a ton of War3.

Built my Dad, a badly needed new computer, his old one was a P1 100Mhz hehe now hes got a P4 2.4Ghz :), for Father's Day. He was totally surprised for teh win!

June 19-25 I was at Music Camp, being master of KP Duty and Master Cup Washer of Ownage. I really enjoy getting to go to the mountains and spend a week singing and praising God. Getting to be around 7th to 12th graders is great too. I really wish my church had a youth group, it's what I miss most about Music Camp. One of my favorite events from this year was when the youngest girls cabin had dinner kp. One of the kp jobs is operating a sprayer to wash all the big chunks of food stuffs off the trays. Well being girls and not wanting to get all wet from the splash damage they made quite an amusing spectacle. Then one of the girls "accidentally" sprayed another, which started a very short lived water fight, had me laughing quite good :) I have some more good memories from this year's camp and I may share more at a latter time.

That's it for now. I will be posting more from now on. Semper Fi

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Made it home

Made it home safe and sound. I'll post again when I have something good to say and that just reminded me that I will be the best man for my good buddy Luke's wedding :) that is all for now. Semper Fi

Friday, May 13, 2005

On my way home

Well I am on my way home for the summer. I'll post again when I get home. Semper Fi

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Walking on water

This whole semesters Bible study has been about getting out of the boat(your comfort zone) and today we wrote down things that are preventing ones self from getting out of the boat and burned them. I'm not really a fan of that kind of activity myself because it just feels like your going through motions and not really doing anything about it but I guess it is good for other people. Anyway starting when I get up I will be getting out of my comfort zone some more and will be praying for God to remove more barriers from becoming the man I of God I need to be. I know there are quite a few guys I can have a very good influence on and it is just a matter of me getting out of my boat. Next year I am going to do my best to start a Bible study/fellowship time with my gaming buddies cause I know there are things I can teach them and things which I can learn from them so pray for this endeavor. I am also going to start being more outgoing and talking more to people, especially girls since I still don't feel as comfortable around them as I should. I know I have grown an amazing amount since the start of my collage years which may turn into a decade :), Dad will love that hehe. I am not even close to the very closed and distant person I once was and what is even scarier to me because I am a very independent person is the need for me to be around my close friends a lot more then I have ever needed to and this is scary for me. I don't like to rely on anybody but my self and God. Maybe this is why that wife hole is bugging me so much?

I am looking forward to going home for the summer but at the same time I will miss my friends terriblely, especially Luke as he is my right hand man. I am already looking forward to coming back in the fall, yes I know this is strange, but I will be living off campus at the coolest house ever with some of the nicest people ever hehe, sound like a blonde I do, talk like Yoda I will. Done with Yoda I am. I haven't written this much about my feelings in a long time, guess I had some things to get out. Setting a record for most longest posts in a row. Ghetto rhyme for the win.

Well keep the prayers for wisdom, guidence and now for barrier breaking coming as I really need them. I haven't been at this much internal peace for a long time. The Darkone hasn't bothered me in a while and I thank God for the rest, as I have really needed it since my Shadowlands journey. It's almost 2am and I need to go to bed. Semper Fi

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Been awhile it has

I have quite a bit to write about since my last post so I will start with today. Went to breakfast this morning as usual. After breakfast Ayers, Alan and I went with Mr. Montgomery to pick up some patio furniture for there new house, my new home away from home, and a set of bunk beds for my living area and then finally a pallet load of tiles for the new house as well. After picking all that stuff up we went to the new house and started unloading everything. Since we didn't have fork lift to unload the pallet of tiles we had to move each box by had, they weighed about 40lbs each, that took awhile. Then we needed to get in the house to unload the bunk bed but it was all locked up, so guess what I did, yeah that's right I broke into the house and unlocked the door. After we unloaded the bunk bed we made one more trip to pick up one of those out door table sets that are made out of solid concrete and man where those pieces heavy, it took all four of us to move the table top and two people to move each bench top. Then we loaded up 24 potted trees for there new house and some metal frames that will be turned into tables. After getting everything all unloaded we headed back to the Montgomery's for so relaxation. Alan, Ayers and I had some good discussions about various Christian topics. I grilled some chicken for Mrs. Montgomery and that is what we had for dinner, mmm tasty. Then we watched The Forgotten and Troy both of which are pretty good movies. That was today.

Friday night was pretty fun had pizza with Erin, Fil, Sarah and Jess in the girls lobby and we chatted for a bit and then Sarah and Fil left. Erin and Jess sat down on the couch and started to slap, tickle and wrestle for the next 30 minutes, which was quite entertaining for me hehe. Then Erin left us so Jess and I talked for a bit before we finally started playing Life. Just as we started Dan and Marlene came in so they joined in on the fun. It was one of the best games of Life I have ever played. That was my Friday night.

The formal last Saturday was a lot of fun. It was nice getting all dressed up, even if I looked like a hitman :) all I was missing was gold plated .45s in a shoulder harness. I was wearing a tie for the first time in my life, a nice blue SpongeBob Nerdypants one. We ate dinner at Olive Garden and went and saw Sahara, which I recommend everyone see it was a great movie. We of course had to wait almost an hour for our table at Olive Garden so we all got to talk and just hang out with each other, which is something that we don't do enough. So there you go, I am sure there are more details I could add but I am tired after such a long day.

Not much else has happened other then what I wrote about above. One thing that may turn in to a really good thing is that another prospect has popped up, so I am asking for prayers that God will guide me in this endeavor. I will keep you posted on things. Anyway I am really tired so I am signing off for the night. Continue your prayers of guidance for me so that I may know what God's will is for me, especially for above mentioned topic and also that I may keep my focus on school and not feel so burnt out and wanting to give up and go home, look at all those ands and here is another and another and another and I am now done. Semper Fi

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

So ready to be home

I am so ready to be home and done with this semester. I am having a hard time being motivated to finish up the last 2 weeks of class. I still have a ten page paper to write for Bible class that I will be starting next week. Going to have fairly large programming project for OOP coming up as well. This Saturday is our formal thing my group of friends is doing and I am looking forward to it. Other than that not much going on. I do need prayers for getting my motivation back and for not feeling so burnt out. Also pray for my family's good friend Mike as he just got fired from his church for no apparent reason. I am very tired so I am off to bed. Semper Fi

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

And the search continues...

My search for that special girl to complete me continues once again. This feeling of missing a piece of me is a strange feeling indeed and one I would like to be ride of. For now though it looks like I will get to caring it for a while longer so goes life. If you know any cute girls that are looking point them in my direction. hehe :P

Anyway the crazy week is half over and I have made a good dent in my research paper. Found out today that it my Bible test on Thursday is going to be easier then expected. My test in OOP (Object Oriented Programming, what a mouth full) is going to be over 200 pages of text, but the test it self won't be to hard. My Internet Development project that was due on Wednesday got moved to Friday, because a lot of the other peeps in the class don't have much time to work on it aswell.

This homework break has been brought to you by the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and the number BADF00D. Now back to your regularly scheduled homework.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Long time no posty

Its been awhile since my last post aye. Last Friday Alycia and I went out for coffee and had a good chat. Saturday Alycia, Jess and I went out for breakfast and then we went to the art building where Alycia cut my hair and did a very good if I don't say so myself, even if Guin thinks I look like a Nazi. Tuesday went an saw Sin City, what a piece of garbage movie, it had two good things about it though: 1. The cinematography was really cool looking and 2. There was no bad language, other then that it was crap. Wednesday Alycia and I went talking and walking for a bit, which was quite enjoyable and we will be doing that regularly now. Today we had a surprise party for Ryan and he had little to no clue :) about it. Well that's about all that has happened since my last post. Good night. Semper Fi

Monday, March 28, 2005

BOO on this weekend

This weekend was pretty crappy. Friday I was supposed to have dinner with Alycia, but her, Sarah and Erin went looking at wedding stuff and didn't get back till real late so that really bummed me out. On Saturday I made pancakes for a few of them and they went over really well, but I still felt disconnected/left out. Then on Sunday Sarah and Jess made dinner for some of us and they where talking about a lot of stuff and about doing stuff and I felt just like a shadow or and observer not really a part of the group and that sadden me greatly. Well those where my feelings for the weekend.

Now for some positive. Today I went outside and spent a good two plus hours praying and meditating on a lot of things that have come up but mostly on just one thing, which I won't mention because I am evil :P, it was some really good quality time with God and my self and I will probably turn it in to a habit as long as it is nice outside. Semper Fi

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Good ol' times

I was tired of gaming, shocking and amazing yes, and started looking through all of the pictures I have which got me started reminiscing mostly about the good times I have had at the summer camp I go to ever summer now. I was just thinking about all the kids I have got to watch grow up and grow in Christ and just being apart of the makes me happy and feel old at the same time. It has also has brought back memories of my old self, it is really hard to imagine me even being close to who I am now when I was 16 and a camper at above mentioned camp. I was so very different that I bet all of my collage friends wouldn't even believe I am the same person. It is amazing how much of a difference Christ has made in my life and I shudder at the thought of a life without him. It has also brought back feelings of sadness for the ones that have fallen away as most of them had great leadership skills and where looked up to by a lot of the campers and to see them throw it all away for temporary pleasures saddens and sickens me, I can only hope that God will put someone in their lives to return them to the light.

Well on another note spring break ends tomorrow which saddens me as well, but I would like to get back to school and see all my friends again and hear about their adventures over break. I have had a most excellent spring break it was relaxing and exhausting at the same time. I am actually quite sore at the moment from working out and swimming a lot this week. Well I'll tell you guys about my adventures later. Semper Fi

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Spring Break is finally here

Well I will be spending my Spring break in Alabama at a friends house which I should be able to accomplish my goal of being a total vegetable as I rest my brain from all my school studies as I know this coming second half is going to be ruff.

Not much else has been happening lately of then lots of school work. I did get a great card from Alycia, Sarah and Erin today, it really cheered me up. Well I am going to play some games now and will write some more before I go to bed.

Well I promised I would write some more so here it comes. Played Counter-Strike Source till 3am and I am still not tired, shouldn't of had so much mountain dew with dinner but oh well it was good steak. Well I hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break as I will probably not write again till I get back. Safe journeys my friends. Semper Fi

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Saturday was good

Saturday was a good but exhausting day. Started the day of with breakfast at Mongomerys as usual. Then the plan was for Alycia to cut my hair after breakfast but she got sick the previous night so that didn't happen. Well after breakfast Ryan and I pretty much ended up baby sitting Zach(hyperactive kid) while the Montgomerys took a visiting Mexican medical student to the airport. Zach was quite entertaining, one of the first things he tried to do was spray us with a hose under the guise of giving Scout a bath, but I knew better hehe. After playing around with the hose and final spraying him with it he decided that wasn't fun any more. So we shot some hoops for about 5 minutes before he got bored with that and guess what he did, he ran around to the hose and was hiding in the bushes with the hose waiting to spray one of us but I told him I know all about those kind of tricks so he gave up. Some point after that he started to climb on the rock wall the Mongomerys have in the entrance way to the front door and Zach knows he is not allowed to do that so I got out the hose and it took getting rained on several times before he gave that up, hehe I win again. We finally settled on play baseball for about an hour and half. Which surprised Ryan and I that he did one activity for so long. I don't know what time it was but a few of the people going on a trip to Kenya this summer came over and joined in on the baseball fun so we had a few more then three people taking turns batting, pitching and fielding. It sure felt good to swing a bat again. We played baseball till the rest of the Kenya group was there and then they started making cookies and brownies for a bake sale so I was helping them package them and we did that till about 1 am when we had to leave to get back to the dorms. So it was a very long and tiring day but also very fun and I got to hang out with some people I don't really know very well which was a bonus. Well I am still tired from such a busy weekend that I will go to bed now. Semper Fi

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Saturday, February 19, 2005

13th Warrior

Good movie it is, watching it makes me wish my enemy was a physical being and that my fight with him was a phyiscal fight and not this spiritual war that goes on inside me. It would make things a lot easier for me but God never promised that being a Christian was easy. To borrow from the Marines, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." and I know that when ever I go through the fire I come out stronger and smarter and I know that anything I go through will never be more then I can handle as this has been promised by Christ (1Cor 10:13) and this gives me great confidence. Semper Fi

Friday, February 18, 2005

Tonight was lots of fun

We had a birthday party for Caleb at the Montgomery's tonight and it was a lot of fun. We played Cranium and there is this one category where you have to draw the picture with your eyes closed, which made for some very interesting drawings, more like scribbles, and I was the man when it can to this, my team was awesome at guessing what I drew, even though most of the time they just looked like scribbles and what was even better was the reaction from all the other people when the saw what I had drawn, it was hilarious.

I got my Perl exam back today and man did I bomb it with a 62%, but on the bright side the average for that test was a 68% hehe. On a better note today I started running again and going to the gym. I was surprised I was able to run a half-mile today with out stopping wahoo. I did pretty good in the gym and was able to start out with some good weight, but I am feeling pretty stiff already, a nice back rub would be nice tomorrow after breakfast :) hehe. Well I am beat after such a busy day so God bless. Semper Fi

Monday, February 14, 2005

Cake makes me happy

Alycia made me this tasty cake for valentines day. mmmmm tasty. It made my day. Thanks Alycia.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

More on my journey

My God, My God why have you forsaken me. During my journey through the shadowlands I felt very much like that and it was a very disturbing feeling and one I don't care to ever feel again. It felt like God no longer cared about me and it was really hard to feel much joy in anything. I read Psalm 139 today and it reminded me that God does know everything about me and what I am doing at any given moment and that is a very comforting thought. Semper Fi

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

BADF00D = 195948557

Well it does :P Being a geek is great you get to learn all sorts of things that make you seem and sound really smart to the average Joe :) Its so much fun learning funny acronyms like POTS and learning to do hex and binary math is quite fun as well. Wow can't you tell I'm a geek hehe

Insight: The only thing I love more then programming is charging around on a horse in the woods or in a field. I love being outdoors whether its camping, hiking or hunting, which I haven't gotten to do in awhile and that makes me sad :(

Bible study was quite good tonight and the food was tasty as usual. Other then that not much has been going on other then shcool. Well I need some sleep even though I am not really to tired. Semper Fi

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Patriots Win

Saturday Luke and I pretty much stayed at Montgomery's all day and even did our laundry there. I worked on their computers some and got all their documents copied over to their new computer as well. Sunday we went to church as usual and Luke and I helped with communion for the second Sunday in a row. About 4:30 I went to a club function with Alycia where we where going to play flag football but that didn't happend so we went back to the dorm and played some games till about 5:30 then went to the super bowl party where we stayed till about 10:30 and that was my day. Now for some geek fun.

if(you <= STUPID)

Gotta love the geek :) Semper Fi

Friday, February 04, 2005

SpongeBob Rocks

I saw the Sponge Bob movie tonight and the last 30mins is a must see it was so funny it cracked me up. I also saw The Incredibles it had some funny parts and was over all a good movie. Seminar was pretty boring this morning as it was on usability engineering which should be common sense for any software engineer but people these days certainly seem to be lacking in that department, so maybe someone got something out of it as I sure didn't. Mmmm breakfast tomorrow boy am I looking forward to that. Random mostly unknown fact about me: My right big toe is smaller then my left big toe. This piece of mostly worthless information has been brought to by the letter "bob" and the number dead. Good day.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Adopt a Sniper

I just found this neat organization called Adopt a Sniper and they help our snipers get better equipment. I have a lot of respect for snipers and the job they do is one of the most difficult but also one of the most beneficial to the troops around them. It is also the path I would pursue if I end up in the military as I have been gifted with the abilities a sniper needs. Those of you who can donate please do, it will help keep our snipers up to date with the latest equipment. Continue to keep our troops in your prayers. Well I really need to go to bed now since I have my stupid seminar at 7 am boooo poop on that :P

For those that may wonder why I end most of my posts with Semper Fi here is the definition and what it means to me. Semper Fi is Latin for always faithful. Faithful to God, Country, Family and Friends. So there you have it. Good night God Bless and as always Semper Fi

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What talents has God given you?

Today at Bible study we where talking about what kinds of talents God has given us and that got me thinking on the talents and gifts he has given me. I have a natural ability to lead when needed and to follow when needed. I have all ways been good at bridging gaps between social groups like jocks, nerds/geeks and various other groups by adapting to each group in a strange kind of way, its hard to explain I guess. God has also blessed me with an understanding of technological things and a very good ability to fix almost anything. I have also been gifted with athletic ability as well. Well those are most of the talents I am aware of. Wont you share yours?

The President gave his State of the Union address today and what parts I heard where really good. At one point he started talking about our soldiers that have given their lives for the protection of our country and for the freedom of the Iraqi people. He mentioned that there was a mom and dad in the audience that had lost their son recently in Iraq and the whole audience gave them a standing ovation. There was an Iraqi woman in front of them and she turned around and gave the mom a big hug, that almost brought a tear to my eye. The President looked like he was about to shed a tear as well, it was beautiful. Continue to pray for our troops and for the Iraqi people. God Bless America. Semper Fi

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Today was uneventful

Today was really uneventful. I got up and went to chapel then to bible class for our first test which turned out to be a lot easier then anticipated which was good because I study all of five mins for it. I was going to try and write something creative/funny but I am to tired to try so good night.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Not much going on

Sunday was a good day I would have written about this yesterday but I was wasted from the weekend. Anyway on Sunday I went to a growth group, which is just another name for a small group, with Luke, Emily, Sarah and Marie and we talked about transforming times in our lives. We where the only collage kids there so that was kind of nice and the other members are mid twenties to early thirties and it was a small group only about twelve people. We even got dinner there which was a nice surprise and a tasty one at that. Today was pretty uneventful went to class then took a two and half hour long nap, which I really needed, after that I did some homework and tried to study for my Bible test but I just couldn't concentrate so I started working on my programming project instead. Well time for bed. Semper Fi

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Today was most excellent

Started the day off with a really good breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes and monkey bread, made by Bethany, at the Montgomery's, all of which was very tasty. After breakfast we had some really good conversations and questions about why and how we have a personal relationship with Christ and why some kids rebel. After that a few of us watched The Inlaws(its got your song in it Nick) it was really funny. Then I got Bethany's laptop working with the Montgomery's wireless network so she was quite happy with that and called me her hero :) hehe. Luke and I came back to the dorm and picked up some more movies and went back over there and watched Barber Shop 2 while we waited for the other peeps to show up. We then played Scene It and I had to bust out my boo whenever my team rolled crappy and that got some laughs. After that we watched Neapolitan Dynamite and finally after that movie was over we played Crack the Case and that was quite amusing. Luke and I set a new record for longest time at the Montgomery's of about thirteen hours wahooo. Man was today a great and relaxing day and lots of good quality time with friends.

Beef is good.

Luke and I went to the Purple Cow for dinner tonight and we both got big tasty hamburgers, mine was almost as big as the ones at Pot Belly Deli, it was so very tasty. After dinner we went and saw The Aviator, it was a three hour long movie and was quite good. On the way back we had some fun navigating gay Arkansas road construction. Over all a good guys night out. Well it's 3:30 and I gotta get up for breakfast in six hours so good night.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Oh my head

Stupid head colds. Bible study was good and the group was about half the size of normal which was nice. Man does it feel later then 12:20, I am probably tired from this stupid head cold but it will be gone in a day or two since I have a uber immune system and prayer, so pray for me and Guin to get over our colds quickly. GROSS I just saw an ad on TV for a gay hotline -barf- What is wrong with our societies morals? Why have we let them go down the tubes? The US is looking more and more like the Roman empire before it fell. My generation of Christians needs to step it up, get active and fight for our moral values to save our country from it self. Otherwise it won't matter if we kill all terrorist. Then the French will be able to beat us :) ugh that thought makes me cringe. Enough of my soap box for now. Please continue to pray for our country, our troops and for me. Semper Fi

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Are you ready kids?

Oh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Today was a good day. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! Chapel was quite good for once except for the annoying guy who sits on my left. If nautical nonsense be something you wish. He is constantly changing his octave, he'll start out in tenor or alto then try bass and soprano and flop around like a fish and then finally die. Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish! Tomorrow is Wednesday YAY! Good food, good Bible study and good times with friends. Write like this is quite amusing. Yo Joe! What do you guys think? He'll fight for freedom where ever there's trouble. This is making me think about our troops. GI Joe is there. It's GI Joe against the terrorist Fighting to save the day. And thinking about our troops gets me thinking about joining the Marines as a scout sniper, but that will not happen till after I graduate. He never gives up. Even then it will depend on a number factors. He's always there, Fighting for freedom over land and air. Like job market, if I have a family to take care and mainly what God wants me to due. Since 9/11 my once clear path has been somewhat clouded with a strong desire to go and fight for my country. He never gives up. Sometimes I really wish I could drop what I am doing and go and fight but I am almost 100% sure that is not where God wants me. He'll stay til the fights won. I continue to pray for direction and wisdom so I may discern God's path for me. GI Joe- A real hero GI Joe I am asking those who read this to pray for me and especially for our troops that are dying everyday to make our country and the rest of the world a safer place. Semper Fi

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Mmmm tasty

Well not really but I did eat some real food finally and it didn't bother me one bit. On a good note I got to talk to Stacy for a bit and she is doing well and is getting really excited about graduating. She invited me to come down for it so I'm going to see if that is going to be possible. It would be great to get to see her and the rest of family down there in Texas. Good day, God Bless and as always Semper Fi

Saturday, January 22, 2005

All better...

Well after a day and half of being sick I am all better and most of my friends that got sick seem to be about recovered too. Not much has happened since my last post except for puking all night Thursday and then spending most of Friday in bed. Today I was up and about and went to the store with Luke to pick up some more juice and yogurt. Since we where all sick we didn't hang out and watch movies Friday night and I didn't get to make pancakes for everyone this morning :( boo gay virus :P oh well maybe next weekend :)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Today was a good day.

I just got back from the Scottish fiddle concert and it was amazing, that kind of music speaks to my soul in a indescribable way, especially the bag pipes. It as if I belong back when most of that music was written. I really think I would be at home in the highlands with a small farm, a horse and a wife to go adventuring with. Speaking of a wife this has been on my mind quite a bit lately and I feel as if I am missing a part of me. It would be really great if a girl would smack me and say hey I like you since I am quite blind when it comes to this, but alas I don't see that happening any time soon. Oh well time for video games. Semper Fi

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

3 days still in a good mood.

Bible study was really good tonight. My groups discussion was good for once and I think everyone made a comment even me, amazing I know, so where off to a great start and I can't wait till next week. After study a few people stayed and watched Alias and right near the end when they where getting all sentimental the tape ended the girls reactions where hilarious and I busted out laughing it was great. This weekend is going to be lots of fun Friday we are going to watch movies and on Saturday we a getting together and I am cooking pancakes woohoo. Thursday I'm going to see a uber fiddle player, should be fun. Keep my mom in your prayers as she is facing some job decsions and also keep our troops and president aswell in your prayers. Good night.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Another Good Day

I am still in a good mood even though I am quite tired. Fatty hasn't touched the thermostat once today which is really strange but really good, I guess he got the message finally :) My OOP teacher told a great joke in class today: What would Abraham Lincoln say if he was alive today? Let me out of this box! LOL it cracked the whole class up LOL it still makes me laugh just thinking about it. Well that is about it for now. I'm going to go play some games before I go to bed so good night and God bless.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Yee Haw

Man was I in a good mood today. I'm not sure why because I only had about five hours of real sleep before I got woke up by fatty turning the ac on so I got up and turned it off. Then about two hours later he woke me up again and this time I yelled at him to leave the air alone. All day I have just felt really good, something has really changed in me. Adding even more to an already great day Emily made some yummy potato soup for dinner mmmm good. Off to bed I go. Semper Fi

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Return from the Shadows

My journey through the shadowlands was the longest of my life and I have no wish to repeat it any time soon but I have learned more about myself and God and that I am grateful for. My reliance and trust in him is stronger then ever now and I know he can not fail me. I will acomplish any mission set before me according to his will and will be satisfied by his anwsers to my prayers. I have returned stronger and ready to rejoin the frontlines. Semper Fi

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Well I installed this new commenting thing so any who reads this better leave some comment. Real comments only please. :)

My fatty cat. He so cute.

Here is my fat cat Tommy with his pretty hat and cranberries.He looks so happy.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Back to school :(

Well Christmas break is over and the spring semester is about to start. To bad break wasn't longer. Oh well hopefully this semester will be more fun then the last one. Hey look its 2 am hehe its starting already :P