Wednesday, February 09, 2005

BADF00D = 195948557

Well it does :P Being a geek is great you get to learn all sorts of things that make you seem and sound really smart to the average Joe :) Its so much fun learning funny acronyms like POTS and learning to do hex and binary math is quite fun as well. Wow can't you tell I'm a geek hehe

Insight: The only thing I love more then programming is charging around on a horse in the woods or in a field. I love being outdoors whether its camping, hiking or hunting, which I haven't gotten to do in awhile and that makes me sad :(

Bible study was quite good tonight and the food was tasty as usual. Other then that not much has been going on other then shcool. Well I need some sleep even though I am not really to tired. Semper Fi

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