Sunday, November 13, 2005

I know I have been slacking

I know it has been a long time since my last post but I have been pretty busy and then to tired to write anything. Quite a lot has happened since my last post so I will start with today and go backwards.

Today, Sunday the 13th, I got to go and see the Marine band play in the Benson with Luke and Emily, it was really cool and the where very good. At the end they played all the armed forces songs and had the people stand up if you had served or a family member had served. I got to thinking afterwards that I could have stood for all but the Cost Guard and that's kind of scary. I have two cousins in the military right now one is an Apache pilot and the other is in the Navy. After that I helped the Montgomerys move some of their stuff from their old garage to their new one. When that was finished it was time for Jess' birthday party. We played one of those How to Host a Murder games. It was fun but really strange and crude at times. After that I helped clean up and was washing dishes, just like at camp and having a nice chat with Bethany in the process. After the dishes where done Holly showed up in the kitchen, so her and I had a good chat as well and now I am here writing this post before I go to bed.

Saturday the 12th, I got up and had breakfast as usual. Then Jeff needed some help cutting down a tree so I went with him to help with that. It took about four hours to get it down and all cleaned up. Enjoyable it was. That night a huge group of 22 people went up, half the resturant was reserved, to Georgetown for catfish. It was the best tasting catfish I have had. I inhaled my plate and didn't even feel full, it was nice. We came back and a few of us sat and just chatted for bit. Then I with Luke and Emily watched I, Robot, it was really good. After that I went to kitchen and chatted with Branson, Bethany, Sara and Lindsay for bit before calling it a night.

Friday the 11th was a long day. Had CS seminar at 7:05 am and then I learned my only class for the day was canceled so after seminar I was done. I went to breakfast after seminar as usual, then to chapel. After chapel, Alycia and I went to the library to do some homework, but after about 30 mins of reading I couldn't keep my eyes open so I pulled my hat over my eyes and took a nice nap till about 11:45 when my alarm went off for lunch, I was meeting Erin for lunch and I wanted to get to the Student Center early for a table. Had lunch with Erin and Luke, we had a good talk too. After that I went to the CS lab to work on my GUI project till Luke was done with school. Got back from school and did yardwork till about 5pm and then got cleaned up and ate dinner before we left to go see The Brothers Grim, it was a strange and slightly creepy at times, but over all a good movie. Guin and I had good time talking about games on the way to and fro. When we had dropped everyone off and had gotten back, around 10:15pm, Luke and I where both really tired so we went to bed, the earliest we had gone to bed all week and it was a Friday night, go figure.

Any way I am getting tired and I have to get up at 6:45 tomorrow so I am going to bed. Tomorrow I will right about what I did last weekend, at least what I can remember. May God guide, guard and direct your hearts. ~Semper Fi

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