Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am really tired so I am going to keep this short. Before the Thanksgiving dinner Sarah and I went riding for a little bit, it was a beautiful day, and man did it feel good to be on a horse again. Around one was Thanksgiving dinner and a lot of Sarah's family was here, so I met them. I ate so much food that I didn't get hungry till around eight tonight. I watched some football but mostly just played NS all day. Around ten tonight Sarah, Abraham and I went running, first time in a long while for both Abe and I, but we ran about a mile and half and my legs are already getting sore. Going to have to do a lot of stretching. Wednesday the three of us went out to eat and then went to the mail and hung out there for a bit. I think that is about it for now. I will post again tomorrow most likely. Thank the Lord for all the things he has given you. ~Semper Fi

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