Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fighting for what I have

It occurred to be last night while I was sitting and thinking about a lot of things and being frustrated with FOG and trying to get that started, I have used a whole lot of ands, that every thing I have ever really wanted in life I have had to fight for, including the relationships I have and value so much with Luke, Alycia and my sister. I do firmly believe that anything worth having is worth fighting for and dying for if required. I also decided that my biggest struggle now is with fear itself and not acting on my intuition when I should be, because it very rarely leads me astray and I am constantly ask and seeking God's will. So pray for me that I my overcome these weaknesses. Something else I was thinking about was peoples priorities in life and how I how try to keep God first, others next and self last. I try my best to live out this and several other commitments I have made internally which I call my "Code of Honor". It is still unwritten put hopefully I will be able to make some progress on that. When I have it done it will be posted here. In case you don't remember what I mean when I say Semper Fi. It means this, Always faithful to God, family and friends. ~Semper Fi

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