Wednesday, February 02, 2005

What talents has God given you?

Today at Bible study we where talking about what kinds of talents God has given us and that got me thinking on the talents and gifts he has given me. I have a natural ability to lead when needed and to follow when needed. I have all ways been good at bridging gaps between social groups like jocks, nerds/geeks and various other groups by adapting to each group in a strange kind of way, its hard to explain I guess. God has also blessed me with an understanding of technological things and a very good ability to fix almost anything. I have also been gifted with athletic ability as well. Well those are most of the talents I am aware of. Wont you share yours?

The President gave his State of the Union address today and what parts I heard where really good. At one point he started talking about our soldiers that have given their lives for the protection of our country and for the freedom of the Iraqi people. He mentioned that there was a mom and dad in the audience that had lost their son recently in Iraq and the whole audience gave them a standing ovation. There was an Iraqi woman in front of them and she turned around and gave the mom a big hug, that almost brought a tear to my eye. The President looked like he was about to shed a tear as well, it was beautiful. Continue to pray for our troops and for the Iraqi people. God Bless America. Semper Fi

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