Friday, February 18, 2005

Tonight was lots of fun

We had a birthday party for Caleb at the Montgomery's tonight and it was a lot of fun. We played Cranium and there is this one category where you have to draw the picture with your eyes closed, which made for some very interesting drawings, more like scribbles, and I was the man when it can to this, my team was awesome at guessing what I drew, even though most of the time they just looked like scribbles and what was even better was the reaction from all the other people when the saw what I had drawn, it was hilarious.

I got my Perl exam back today and man did I bomb it with a 62%, but on the bright side the average for that test was a 68% hehe. On a better note today I started running again and going to the gym. I was surprised I was able to run a half-mile today with out stopping wahoo. I did pretty good in the gym and was able to start out with some good weight, but I am feeling pretty stiff already, a nice back rub would be nice tomorrow after breakfast :) hehe. Well I am beat after such a busy day so God bless. Semper Fi

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