Friday, September 01, 2006

Yeah I know

I know it has been awhile since my last post, but I have been busy with school and adjusting to my new routine. I have been busy working on my softdev project and doing calculus this semester. Working around the yard and getting to know some new people better. I really do miss Luke, Bethany and SaraB. They brought something special to my life. I miss seeing them everyday and just chatting with them about nothing. I have been talking to Luke more and I have heard from Sara B a few times, so that has been nice. I haven't talked to Bethany in a few weeks, so I am going to call her tomorrow and if I can't get a hold of her then I'll send her an email. I don't know if it is just because I am really tired or what, but most of the girls were just irritating me earlier tonight and I just wanted to leave or go some where else. I really need to take time tomorrow and be with just God and myself. I know I need to do that tomorrow. I also gotta get most of the network programming done for softdev this weekend, which really shouldn't be that hard. Not to much else going on here. I just miss having someone I connect really well with around. I had that with Luke and was really starting to with SaraB. Dan and I are going to be in small group together. We get along really well and it will be nice to have another good guy friend around. I also need to get in touch with my gaming buddies and have them over more this semester. Man this sure is turning in to quite the rambling post. Stopping time I think. Keep me in your prayers. ~Semper Fi

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