Yesterday Sara B and I went riding for about two hours out at the Jackson's. We had a ton of fun and she had a good riding experience finally. I did some bareback galloping, which is amazing and Sara got the mule to speed trot, which was plenty fast for Sara. Then Sara's dad came up after we were done riding and he brought the skeet shooting stuff with him. Sara and I shot her really nice 20 gauge over-under. After we had used up the 20 gauge rounds we used her dad's semi-auto 12 gauge and man that thing kicked twice as hard. Sara did quite well and I did way better then I thought I was going to do because I hadn't shot clay pigeons in five plus years
Today we had a going away party for Sara because she is leaving tomorrow morning for ACU. I have helped her pack some stuff up and will be seeing her off in the morning. It has been a real honor and privilege getting to know her and spending time with her this summer. I am really going to miss her.
I got pictures from Florida and from shooting plus some others that I will be uploading to my photo site soon. Pray for a safe journey for Sara and her parents as the travel to ACU tomorrow. ~Semper Fi
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