Friday, March 16, 2007

Robbed by Raccons a True story

Allan, Dan and I get back from walking and eating ice cream to find food from inside our cooler has been taken. Found a broken egg on a bench. Open cooler to find a piece of chicken is missing. Take our food stuffs to van, while up there a raccoon comes and sits on our table. We are not even 50ft away. I charge with our axe, coon runs. We hear a bunch of noise around our camp and get the flashlight out and see at least five different sets of eyes. They begin to encircle us, making growling noises. We through rocks and scare them away. Here is where I begin a time log, it follows.

set trap with remaining piece of chicken
make spears
egg is broken
got more wood
bait shifted to optimal position after raccoon pattern of assault is known
raccoon escaped with chicken
we pursue
recover half of the chicken
last of the wood put in fire
assaulted by five from the water
spear launched negative hit
Allan is being surrounded while Dan and I look for more wood
Distress call received
Dan set back to assist
I return with more wood
attack pattern changes again. 4th pattern used
raccoons very cautious
Peanuts become rationed
too quiet
While singing to God raccoon comes
Wait for him to be upon the chicken
I launch spear. Direct hit!
No blood drawn
chicken reset for his friend above us
God has been good to us
I score a second hit on a raccoon
Scripture reading
Another attempt
Ended night with a prayer
Dan remains vigilant
Dan hits raccoon with rock it limps away
Allan and I get back out of bed
Another sitting
Smell of skunk in the air
Not a skunk, stupid raccons

After that nothing else showed up so Allan and I went back to bed while Dan stayed up longer. Nothing else happened after that and Dan finally came to bed around nine am. We had a ton of fun that night try to kill a raccoon and just waiting for them. It was really creepy at first because they weren't really scared of us and the growling noise and the sound they made, sounded like something much bigger moving in the woods, when they weren't trying to be sneaky. We had a huge dinner of a two and half pound steak and chicken. After dinner we went and each of us got a pint of ice cream to eat. While eating the ice we walked over to the diving cliffs and just sat and talked and laughed. We went hiking earlier before dinner on a nice trail, so we ended up walking close to six miles that day. On our way back we stopped and Sugar Loaf and climbed to the top which pretty much wiped us out completely. That will be camping trip I will never forget, it was so fun and relaxing. I have pictures of course under the album - Camping Spring Break 07 That is all for know. ~Semper Fi

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