Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Break

Monday I flew down to Abilene, TX to watch Sara B play basketball on Tuesday. My plane was supposed to leave at 6:55am, but just as the plane was getting ready to taxi on to the runway the pilot comes on and announces Dallas has had an equipment failure and all flights are grounded in and out of Dallas. We sat for about 30 mins and then the pilot tells us we are going to get off the plane and wait. Long story short we didn't leave till 10am and I didn't get into Abilene till 2pm almost three hours later then I was supposed to. Sara B and Kristen came and picked me up and we went to Walmart and they got some food for lunch on Tuesday. After Walmart they took me to Kristen's brother's house, which is where I was going to stay the night, while they went to basketball practice. After practice they came and got me and took me to Chickene, Sara B's favorite place to get sweet tea. The food was good, fried chicken and mashed potatoes, and the sweet tea was really good, I got a sugar rush from it. After dinner we went to their dorm and hung out. They made a cake for a friend and since Sara B was involved, a fight broke out and end with both Kristen and Sara B with chocolate cake batter all over their faces. I only got some flung on my clothes and so I got Sara B in the face, since she had gotten Kristen really good. It was really funny and fun to be apart of. hehe. After the we watched some tv while Kristen did some homework while waiting for the cake to cook. Then we went and delivered the cake and hung out there for a little while. It was getting late and they had class plus their game tomorrow, so we headed home. They stayed for a little while and then we said goodnight. A long but very enjoyable day.

Tuesday, Sara B was in class till eleven, so I slept in and watched some tv till she came and got me for lunch. We went to her dorm and her and Kristen started cooking the pasta and bread. They invited Bryce over as well, he seems like a good guy who they just met this semester. After lunch, Sara B and Kristen, had to go get ready for the game, so I hung out with Bryce till it was time for the game. They game was good, even though they lost. It was great to watch Sara B play again. After the game we said goodbye to Kristen and headed out on the road. Sara drove the first hour and half or so till she got hunger and we stopped in Ranger, TX for dinner. There was a beautiful sunset when we came out of DQ and I took a couple of pictures with Sara's camera. I drove the rest of the time. We talked the whole way home, except for about an hour or so when Sara took a nap so she could keep me company later. We talked about what was going on in our lives and what God has be doing for us and to us personally. I really enjoyed immensely and something I'll be sure we do more often. Other then that it was a pretty uneventful drive. I did see what was left of deer after it had been run over by a semi. We got home around 1:30am and said goodnight to each other and went to bed. It was a really good trip, wish I could do it more.

Wednesday not much went on during the day we both slept in and got some much need sleep. I got my programming assignment done and relaxed. Sara B spent most of the morning helping here mom get Thanksgiving dinner ready, she made mashed potatoes and cranberry stuff, both were very good. We all went to Roma's for dinner with a bunch of Sara B's family and cousins. Sara and I sat at the kids table with her cousins and had good time. Shooting straw wrappers, ice fingers, telling really really really cheesy jokes and laughing a ton. After dinner everyone came back and we watched Muppets from Space, it was pretty funny. Thursday was of course turkey day. I was a bum and watched a lot of football, and Sara watched too when she wasn't helping her mom. We everyone that was at Roma's came for Thanksgiving dinner at four. Sara B and I ate at the kids table again and again it was much fun more lame jokes and good conversation. Kids are great. After eating way to much food and desert we watched some more football. A bit later we watched Amazing Grace, which was good movie. Friday morning Luke came to see me, since him and Emily were in Memphis. He came to house and visited with everyone that was here and then he and I went to Harding so he could see the new hotel lobby. After that we came back to the house for a little bit while we waited for lunch time to come around. I took him out for lunch so we could catch up and just talk with the two of us. It was good and we talked about future plans, relationships and various other things. It was so good see him, it was like we had never been apart. After lunch he had to head back to Memphis so we said good bye. Friday night we watched Shrek the Third, I had forgotten how funny it was.

Saturday, Day of Adventure, dun dun dun. The day started at 6:30am, so we would have plenty of riding time because we had to be back by noon. It was Sara B, her cousin Shelbi and I. Shelbi had never gone riding before, so today turned out to be a really good adventure for her especially. We took our normal trail for the woods and out to the far field for some galloping. Sara was on Jake wasn't doing and running on him, so I asked her if she wanted to switch and ride Pedro. We switched and she started riding around on Pedro. I had to go and help Shelbi with Heart because he was given her trouble and she had never ridden before. After some coach she got Heart to listen better and at this point Sara B came galloping across the field. Then the three of us headed to the far side. After a bit Sara B went galloping across the field again and Shelbi and I did a little trotting and some walking in that direction. All of a sudden Heart starts loping and I was thinking, "WOW he broke a trout". Then the adventure began. Heart started crow hoping while loping, so of course Shelbi lost her seat and fell of, good thing hear is only about four and half feet tail and doesn't move that fast, I trotted over to make sure she was alright and she was. I was about to ask her to climb up so we could go get Heart, because he was making a b-line for Pedro, but he didn't stop. I told Shelbi I better go catch him before he gets out of the field. I give Jake a kick and go full speed for the entrance. As I get near Sara, who is near Heart, I yell, "I got him", as I go flying past. I just beat Heart to the entrance, but now he is trying to get around me, so now I'm herding him and after a bit of that he stopped moving and I was able to grab his reins and lead him back to Sara B and Shelbi. It was amazing, it was like Jake knew exactly what I wanted him to do and I knew exactly what need to be done and it all fell into place. It was exciting and I got to be a hero. After that Sara B and Shelbi were pretty much frozen and ready to head home. Shelbi did really well for her first time. The trip home was uneventful. Looking back I know God had a hand in the event, with Sara and I switching horses and keeping Shelbi safe during her fall and giving me an opportunity to step up and use my strength for the benefit of others. Life with God at the helm is never boring. For dinner the house family went out to a chinese buffet and when we got back I made a fire and Sara B and I sat on the couch and watched Miracle on 34th Street, which is Sara's favorite Christmas movie, with BK and her mom. Sara slept for most of it. After the Sara and Cole were having a tickling war so I jumped in to assist Cole and got a hold of her feet and went to town. Needless to say I ended up on the floor after some wrestling. Good times indeed good way to end the day and our break, at least I think so, Sara may have something to say though. :P

Sunday was bitter sweet having to say goodbye to Sara B, I will miss her presence, but she will be home in three weeks and I am looking forward to it already. At church God spoke to me through the preacher and put two things on my heart to share. One for Sara B and one for Kristen. Sharing what he put on my heart definitely put me out of my comfort zone because I was not sure how they would be received. All went well and I am getting much better at speaking when prompted by the Spirit and not worry what others will thing about it. Well this post turned into a beast, but I think it pretty much covers all the big events of my break. Definitely one of the best if not the best Thanksgiving break I have had. God be praised. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Gifts From God

Just wanted to share a couple of gifts God has given me over the last couple of days. On Monday we had a quiz in calculus, which was worth half a test, and I was pretty sure I bombed it because I got confused on the second part and started to second guess myself on the first part, but I said bag it and moved on and finished the test. Tuesday we got the "quiz" back and I made an A. I thank God for it because I know he had a hand in it. That was the first gift. The second one came today while I was eating breakfast, cheerios of some generic nature, and I as about done and as I was about to put the spoon in my mouth I looked down and low and behold a smiley face was looking at me. Two cheerios for eyes and a half one his smiley face and that was all that was on my spoon. Another gift from God.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Luke 9:23-24

I understand this now. The more I give myself to Christ the more he gives me the things my heart desires. Which leads to a much better and full filling life, that can only be obtained through Christ and the death of self. I am having a really hard time putting in to words my thoughts and feelings and the complete understanding I have of these statements by Christ. I read it and the meaning just hit me in the face like a 2x4. There is no point in doing anything with your life without Christ, your dead, period. But if you kill your false self for Christ and he will restore your true self in such an amazing way you won't even recognize yourself any more. BAH, I don't have the words for this.I hope everyone comes to know this understanding and the peace it brings. Pursue Christ, death to the false self, Christ restores your true self. Well I hope someone will benefit from my sharings and ramblings. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My Adventure

I was between the Reynolds and GAC on my way to the Reynolds to deliver some packages, when I see this person laying on the ground curled up and the first thing that goes through my mind is what is some club doing to their poor pledge, but something didn't feel right so I stopped and got out and as I was walking up to the person another thought went through my. This better not be a body. I reach down and touch his should and ask, "Are you all right", to which he responded, "Cold chest hurts". I call security, while talking to the dispatcher lady and try to find out who he is and is he a diabetic or has any allergies. Then the security guy shows up and checks him and asks me some questions and then calls in an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance a couple more officers show up and on of them is a medic and he starts checking him out and asking questions, but he was barely cognitive. About then the ambulance shows up and the put him on a gurney and take him to the hospital. Before the ambulance leaves my boss Frank came walking up, because he was looking for me because I had a package that needed to get somewhere asap so he was going to take it. He was worried at first because the security guys had parked a golf cart right in front of my van, so he thought I had hit it and sent the driver flying ten plus feet. He was relived it was not what happened. I will give a update when I have have more info about how the guy is doing, because he is a Harding student, so please keep him in you prayers. Well that concludes my adventure for the day. ~Semper Fi

Monday, October 22, 2007

Not dead yet

I have been really busy and or to tired to write in this thing much, plus I have been putting of a post I need to write, but I am still going to put it off. :P This post is about this weekend.

Thursday night, but really Friday morning, Sara B and Kristen got in for the weekend, but I didn't get to see them till after I got home from work at 4:30 :( I was looking forward to seeing Sara B all day and for the get together Erin and I had planned. We had invited some people over to play games and have dinner. We ate and I don't even remember what we had, but it was good and the conversion was even better. After dinner we played a girls vs guys game of Pictionary, which the guys completely dominated. It was probably the most fun game of Pictionary I have ever played. Then we played another game of 2v2v2, which was fun and Rachael and I won, with Zach and Holly very close behind and Erin and Matt nowhere in site, lol. It was fun.

Saturday morning Sara B, Kristen and I went riding. We rode for about two and a half hours and went to the far field for some galloping. After I galloped and cantered on Pedro a bit, I let Kristen ride him, because he was being really good. After I gave her some direction and what to expect from him, she rode him a bit before galloping to see how he would do for her. Pedro was really good and Kristen did well too. It was a lot of fun and it was just wonderful to be on a horse again and especially with great company. After they got back we watched some home videos and just hung out. We said our goodbyes that night, because they were leaving at 7am and I wasn't going to be up. It was a good visit, short but good and it was really good to see Kristen and especially Sara B again.

That is all for now. I will try and keep this thing updated more often. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Last Two Weeks

I am still alive, even though it has almost been a month since my last post. I finally feel like posting again so here comes a new post and update on my life. Two weeks ago I started my finale year of school and will be graduating in May. I also started working the same day. I finally had found a job the previous week with Aramark, but I needed my birth certificate or ss card to get approval to work, which I had neither, so I had to wait till my birth certificate showed up. It didn't show up till Friday evening, the weekend before school started. I had looked Friday morning at Harding's student HR page and saw that they need workers for some stockroom and hours were from 8am-4:30pm M-F, which was just perfect for me. Monday I call them and ask about the position and after my 10 o'clock class I went over there with an application and resume and got hired on the spot. I started working that afternoon after lunch. The first week of classes and working was really tiring as I would get up at 6:30am everyday and come home at 4:30pm do homework and fall asleep. It wasn't that great and I was not sure how well it was going to work out. The next week was much better, because my body has gotten used to the new routine and I enjoy going to work. The three people I mainly work with are pretty laid back and good Christians and just nice to be around. Thursday was a really good day at work. First when I was delivering stuff to the Admin building, which is about as wheelchair unfriendly as you can get, some girl went out of her way to get the doors for my which was really nice and quite unusual, as I have found out. The other thing that was nice and funny, was my boss helped me deliver eight boxes of paper. The paper was on a pallet, so we moved the pallet to where he could pick it up with their big Skytrack forklift and drove the eight boxes of paper to the library with it. I was laughing the whole time as I was following him in the van. I was too funny. Wednesday night bible study has gotten off to a good start and I think the group I am in will be really good and we will learn and grow a lot this semester. Anyway that is all for now. ~Semper Fi

Friday, August 03, 2007

Texas Trip

The trip to Texas went really well and was very relaxing and refreshing. We mostly just hung out at the house and did nothing, which is relaxing for me. We did go shopping on Tuesday and just walked around and visited some stores and went to Chipotle for lunch and got some really good spicy tacos, which burned on the way down and on the way out hehe. Wednesday we made dinner for them and got to go to a really nice grocery store and then went to a fabric store and I got some really neat fabric that mom is going to make into a pillow case, wall hanging and a curtain. I cooked the beef and chicken, the beef was amazing, while mom made a really good salad and aunt Valere made the bake beans, also very good. Very good meal with great conversation. We just had really good time visiting with them all and I realized how nice it would be closer to them. My mom and her brother, Uncle David, are crazy and just egg on each other, we got a lot of laughs from the two of them. It was just really neat to see are cousins and get to hang out and talk to them. We do have pictures and I plan to get them up real soon. On the way back we stopped in Dallas and had lunch and a good visit with Alycia for a couple of hours. It was really nice to see her again. We also had some really good conversation and sharing on the way down and back, which was really good for all of us. God was speaking to me very much through Wild at Heart and brought somethings to my attention and called me to do two things, which are scary for me, but I must do them as part of my journey to true man hood. Anyway, I think that is about it for the Texas trip, I may add more detail later but I am very tired. ~Semper Fi

Friday, July 27, 2007

Overwhelming Presence

I will start from the beginning. My mom came down to see Erin and I and then her and Erin were going to Texas to see my cousins for a few days. Anyway I was not going to go because they were going to be gone to long while I am looking for work and I needed to spend the time during the week looking for a job. I was fine about it till about 11:00pm tonight when I was hit with an overwhelming feeling telling me I had to go. I laid in bed for several minutes trying to get it to go away but it only got worse. I finally ended up calling my mom and telling her I was really torn about not going with them and seeing my cousins. The feeling was so overwhelming that I could not even talk about it with out breaking down and crying. Mom and I met outside to talk about it but I was not able to talk with out crying and then Erin came out and we all talked and finally said a prayer about it. I am at peace now, but still recovering from the presence of God. This is the second time I have had an experience like this. The first one was not nearly as strong and it was when I was supposed to go to Colorado for Thanksgiving but God said no and to stay. I did and it was a very wonderful week and one of my most memorable times with Sara B. So I am going now and feel at peace. God will speak very loud and clear when you need to hear it most. God is amazing, seek him at all costs. ~Semper Fi

Friday, July 06, 2007

God is Amazing

Since my last post things have quieted down a lot for me and God gave me a wonderful surprise for sticking it all out. I don't remember what day it was but earlier this week I got an email from my math teacher with our grade for our last test and our final grade in the class. After failing the test during the most intense part of the fight, I needed to get at least an eighty or more to get a C in the class. I took the final test and totally felt like I had failed it for sure therefore failing the class, cause I totally felt like I blanked and couldn't remember how to do anything. God is amazing and thanks to him I made and 86 and got a C in the class, which was just what I needed. I was so surprised and excited, I couldn't believe it, God is good.

Yesterday was wonderful. Sara B and I got up early to go riding, because we wanted to beat the heat so we could do a lot of running and have plenty of time to work with them. Pedro was being really good and Jake was being kind of tooty, wanting to run off and not listening, especially when Pedro was around. So I rode around different parts of the field and to get out of sight while Sara did circles and lots of them. Anyway we did that for about an hour or so and I would comeback and check on her and to see how things were going. Then we rode down to the river and sat there for a bit in the cooler air. After that we rode some more and thought about seeing how over grown and accessible it was. We started heading over there and Jake was still not listen real well, so I kept going while Sara B did some more circles with him. Anyway I got over to the other field and waited a bit for Sara B and when she didn't show up I headed the rest of the way to the entry and rode down to the river. It was a bit steep but doable with out dismounting. I scouted it out and then headed back to find Sara B. After I founded here we both headed to the river and when we got down there we both thought about rolling our pants up and standing in it, so we walked the horse of over to this nice long that is just right for a hitching post and tied them up and got ready to get in the water. At first the mud was about six inches deep and so we walked a little further down the bank and found a much better place. There was a long that extended out into the river a ways, so Sara B started to climb out on it and did just fine until she tried to come back. On her way back she lost her balance and ended up jumping of and landing waist deep in the water, which by the way was ice cold, she made some great nosies and faces, lol. After that she just sat down on the log in the water and so I joined her on the long but on a part that was not under water, but covered in mud. After getting cooled of and chatting she got of and tried to fall over in the mud, cause she doesn't have the leet mud walking skills I do, so I helped to keep her from getting all the way wet. After that she tried to push me over on the log, which didn't work because I was leaning kind of forward and she didn't push hard enough. Of course if she had pushed harder I would have grab her and took her with me which would have been funny. The water was cold but it felt so good after getting hot and being in the sun so long. It was a really good time and Jake was doing much better by the end of the day. Both of us thought it was one of the best times riding we have had in awhile. It was such a good time.

In other news I have started looking for a job I can have for the next year while I finish school, to make money to get a car and to be able have enough money for when I finally move out and get a really job, so please pray for that and for vigilance and open eyes. God is good! ~Semper Fi

Monday, June 25, 2007

Satan is an Ass

Thursday was a rough day for sure. For most of the day Satan was in my ear whispering get mad at Sara B, get made at Sara B and would not stop. Along with that was a very strong feeling of being completely ignored/tossed aside, which was completely false and was not coming from me. Along with fighting that, I was trying to study for my test on Friday and was not able to concentrate because of what was going on inside me. I even tried going outside to fishing/have quiet time and pray while in the boat and that was not working so finally I went to the weight room to play some NS to get my mind off of everything and that finally helped. I prayed that night and the rest of the week was good. I talked to Sara B on Friday about Thursday and Satan being all in my face and she said he has been in her face a lot lately which didn't make me happy at all. Sunday I skipped church to go spend an hour or so in the woods praying and talking to God about what has been going on and for Sara B. It was a really good time and before I got up to leave I asked god what verse he had for me today and just opened my Bible and there was Jonah 2:2-9

"In my distress I called to the LORD,
and he answered me.
From the depths of the grave I called for help,
and you listened to my cry.

You hurled me into the deep,
into the very heart of the seas,
and the currents swirled about me;
all your waves and breakers
swept over me.

I said, 'I have been banished
from your sight;
yet I will look again
toward your holy temple.'

The engulfing waters threatened me,
the deep surrounded me;
seaweed was wrapped around my head.

To the roots of the mountains I sank down;
the earth beneath barred me in forever.
But you brought my life up from the pit,
O LORD my God.

"When my life was ebbing away,
I remembered you, LORD,
and my prayer rose to you,
to your holy temple.

"Those who cling to worthless idols
forfeit the grace that could be theirs.

But I, with a song of thanksgiving,
will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
Salvation comes from the LORD."

Just what I had been experiencing lately and needed to hear. God is amazing. Always remain vigilant in watching out for the devils schemes and know they can never succeed against the LORD Almighty, God be praised. ~Semper Fi

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yep, I'm Not Dead

I was trying to do more studying for my tests, but I am really distracted and the information is not sinking in. It is kind of pissing me off atm. Maybe cause I got too much going on in my head right at this moment to focus enough to study. I am some what tired but I think it is mostly just feeling ignored by Sara B because Bethany came for a surprise visit for her birthday, but at the same time I am not being ignored so the cause is Satan trying to put wrong thoughts/feelings in my head, so I am having to fight him off constantly. He has been after my quite a bit this month and I am getting tired of it. The last couple of weeks especially when I am tired and don't feel like doing much on my computer Satan is right there with the desire to go look at porn, so I have to tell him to go away in Christ name and walk away from my computer, because there is no way in hell I'm going down that road again. Seven years was much to long the first time. So that is what is going on with my spiritual life at the moment, war time. Life is good though. As I mentioned above Bethany got in yesterday evening and the look on Sara B's face was priceless, lol, makes me smile and laugh just thinking about. Sara B and I have started working out together this week and it has been enjoyable, I have been sore pretty much all week. Monday we did legs, Tuesday we did arms and Wednesday we did sprints and today we were supposed to do should and back, but since Bethany is here that's not happening, I am kind of bummed about not working out, but I understand. Sara B and I have gotten to go riding quite a bit, which has been wonderful of course. Tomorrow a whole bunch of us are going to Georgetown for catfish and that will be lots of fun. I have been so busy with school and working and homework, it feels like all I do is work, school, sleep and that does not make me happy. I am pretty sure that after I finish my school the coming year that I will be moving to Texas around Dallas or Abilene for a couple of years while Sara B finishes school and then after that I may be off to Montana or where ever Sara B decides to go to grad school for her doctorate, but it all depends on where God want me to be, which atm I feel is Texas for a few years and the to Montana. I think that is about it for now. ~Semper Fi

Monday, May 28, 2007

Moonlit Ride

Riding under a nearly full moon is pretty much amazing! Sara B and I went riding last night under a nearly full moon. It was so pretty and peaceful just riding bareback in the moon light. We road around the field for a bit and then took the wooded trail to the wonderful open field, which is right next to the river and makes it feel like you are out in the middle of no where. We rode and talked for quite awhile and about 10:30 fog started coming up from the river, which was kind of eerie and cool at the same time. The woods were kind of spooky to ride through but we had Buddy and Sport with us for body guards. Anyway it was a wonderful time and we are planning to do it again Tuesday. That is all. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just an Update

This past week as been very busy because we were getting the yard ready for a Memorial Day cook out. The fun started Monday with the rental of a rototiller to till areas around the pool and out front to get them ready to put sod down. I tilled for about four hours on Monday and also spent time raking up the tilled up grass and rocks. Tuesday I did some more tilling and raking, plus digging around the edges to getting it low enough to match the other parts of the grass and concrete. It was very tiring and hard work. Wednesday I spent some more time finishing the raking, leveling and digging, by the end of the day my arms felt like jello and were pretty much gone.

Thursday we got the sod and spent six hours laying it all down. It wasn't very difficult but by the end of the day my lower back and right between my shoulders was very tired. That night though we, Sara B, Amy, Natasha and I went to Georgetown and had a really good time with lots of laughing and talking. We stayed there for about two hours before we finally got up and left. We also had a bunch of fun on the way to and from there, with lots of laughing, it was a great time.

Friday was a really relaxing day compared to the rest of the week. In the morning Sara B and I went riding for about two and a half hours. It was hot out and the horses were be a bit tooty, so we didn't do any galloping. We did go exploring more and finally found a way to the river!!!, wahoo. We are playing on going swimming this week but will see what happens. After riding I went for a swim to cool off. That evening Amy, Natasha, Erin and I went to the movies. Erin and I saw Shrek 3, which was about as good as the other two and Amy and Natasha saw Pirates 3 and they said it was good. Any way it was a really good day.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Riding Adventures of Sara B and Jacob

Sara B and I went riding in the woods today and found our way into a very large grass field in the middle of the woods. The field was picture perfect for galloping through, with tall grass and rolling hills. Sara B asked me if we could run through it and of course I said yes. We take off at full speed across the field and about three quarters through was somewhat of a muddy patch which cause Pedro to change strides and speed very quickly, which in turned caused me to be pitched forward nearly onto his neck and it took me a few moments to recover, after that it was all good. We road in the field for close to an hour, exploring and trying to find a way down to the Little Red River, but alas we failed to find a way down to the river this day. Now we have a great trail ride to take people on with some challenging parts, tree dodging and field galloping.

On Tuesday we had wonderful weather for evening riding, so we went. On our way back we got to see part of the sun setting in the clouds, beautiful. We also spotted something black and it appeared to be standing on its hind legs. We road towards it and it started moving away, but it wasn't on its hind legs, it was just its tail in the air and it had a white strip. Then Sara B exclaimed, "It's a skunk!" About that time the two dogs spotted it and started chasing it further into the field and then it turned and started coming towards us, ahhhhh! We were both not going to let that happen so we took off and put safe distance between us and the skunk before we turned around to watch where it went, luckily it went down the road and away from us and the house. The skunk left a wonderful choking, make your throat burn, smell behind and the dogs got it on them too. :( Away we got a good laugh. Ya never know what will happen when you go riding. Adventure for the win!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Make up your own title. Just like choose your own adventure

7am I wake to wonderful weather just perfect for taking the trash to the road. I make the journey and return with the trash safely at the curb. Breakfast with Erin and Sara B was enjoyable with eggs, bacon and fruit making up the meal part. We ate in a rush, so we could get out to the horses asap. Now the adventure begins. Sara B and I went riding. On the way to the woods Buddy and Sport took off into the woods after something and then Buddy came running out and Sport sounding like he was getting killed, so I rode towards the noise to see what was going on and to scare it off. As I got closer I could see something, which seemed to be rather large, chasing Sport but could not tell what it was. Getting closer it stopped chasing Sport and looked right at me and dun, dun, dun it was a doe, ahhhhhh oh noes!!!! The End.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Past Two Days

Thursday was a good day. In calc 2 the teacher gave us a take home final that isn't due till our schedule final time so we have like a week to work on it. I'm going to try and get it done by Tuesday and I may just be able to pull a C in the class if I do well on the final. Then in probability we final got our tests back and I made a B on it, made me very happy to finally do good on a test in that class. After school I worked outside and then played a bunch of WoW with my brother for a really good time. After dinner Ray took us out for ice cream, so we all piled in the van and had a family trip to the Bulldog for strawberry shortcake, mmmm good. On the way there and back the girls were going crazy, hitting and slapping each other like they were on crack.

Today I was out at the Jackson's working on a stone pathway for them. I worked for two hours and then went riding for two hours. I also brought them some mouse traps for the grain/tack room and I had gotten a mouse before leaving. :) The weather was beautiful with a bit of a breeze, perfect for riding. I went exploring on Pedro, looking for new places to ride and took a trial that ended in somebody's field and since I didn't want to go riding in the middle of their field I turned around and headed back. I did a bit of galloping and loping too. Anyway it has been a good last few days. ~Semper Fi

Monday, April 23, 2007

My weekend

Friday night, Allan, Bethany, Erin, Zach and I went bowling. We played three games which was one to many for me. My arm was getting tired from throwing a fifteen pound ball as hard could, so my game went down hill. The second game was by far the best and it was really close. Erin and Allan tied at 127 and I came in second with 126 and would have won if I had made my spare :( Over all it was a good night with lots of laughing. Saturday I removed all the bricks from the top edge of the pool to get it ready to be formed for concrete this week. Then I went fishing for quite a while, didn't catch to much. Fish still aren't bitting a whole lot. After that I didn't do to much else. Sunday I went out to the Jacksons and gathered rocks for an hour, because I am going to build a stone walk way and wall for them. After that I went played with the horse for about an hour. Pedro was being a turd and I didn't really feel like riding, because I was tired from all the work I did this weekend instead of resting like I normally do. As I was leaving I got asked to play baseball with them so I did that till Mark had to go pick some stuff up, so I went and helped him move so things and then ate dinner and chatted for awhile. I was officially made part of their family at dinner too :) I was out at their place for about seven hours and enjoyed it for the most part. I also talked to Sara B and Betheny this weekend and they are both doing good. I am really tired and being lazy today, so that is all I am writing in this post. Good day. ~Semper Fi

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Unanswered Prayer

An unanswered prayer is a painful thing even when it involves an animal. Sometime this morning the Jacksons lost one of their mares while she was giving birth. She was not very healthy when I saw her yesterday, but she didn't look like she was going to give birth soon, nor die. I had asked God to keep her well, but it was not to be. Life is an interesting thing, one day I am flying in the clouds with the real possibility of owning a horse by summers end and the next walking with the loss of a horse and colt. What can you do but trust in the infinite wisdom of the most high and know things will come out right. ~Semper Fi

Monday, April 16, 2007

Good weekend

This weekend was pretty fun with lots of laughing. Friday Allan, Amy, Erin, Zach and I went to the movies to get away from the house because Bethany's club was having a retreat at the house. While we were in line to get tickets Dan and Hannah showed up, it was pretty fun because they had come to see a different movie, a chick flic don't remember the name, so of course we or I should say Allan gave Dan a hard time about it. Anyway we saw Ghost Rider, which I thought was pretty funny because of the cheesiness. I laughed quite a bit during it and at one point Ghost Rider gets put in jail and starts to get beat up by the inmates and then turns in to Ghost Rider and beats them all up and right before he leaves he points at this kid in the jail cell, I leaned over to Zach and said, "Stay in school", but Ghost Rider didn't say it, but if he had it would have fit in with the movie just fine, that's how cheesy it was. It was a good time nonetheless(is a strange word, because it is made up of three complete words).

Saturday was pretty uneventful till after dinner when the girls, Amy, Bethany and Erin, got into a towel snapping fight while doing the dishes. Provided much laughter. Then Zach got in to it for a bit a gave some good shots and provided more laughter. Makes me laugh even thinking about it. That's about it for Saturday and it rained a lot :(

Sunday turned out to be beautiful weather wise, so of course I had to go riding. Amy and Erin came with me and we rode around the field and then in the woods and then back in the field for some faster riding. Anyway we had a good time and I had some good laughs provided by Erin and Amy while we rode in the woods. hehe

Today I took a bunch of grain out to the Jacksons for the horses because they needed it and got to talk them about the horses and coming out to help them get their place cleaned up and taken care of, so I will be over there most Saturdays from now on. Also I may have some other interesting/exciting news to tell later once I have more info. That is all for now. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, April 08, 2007

What a week and weekend

This past week and weekend was a lot of fun, especially the weekend. I'll start at the beginning. Little Zach's school was on spring break so he was here for most of the day on Monday, Tuesday and part of the day Thursday. I got to be big brother on Monday and Tuesday. Monday, he helped me clean the apartment, he mopped the bathroom floor, scrubbed the shower and did one of the mirrors, because we couldn't go fishing or play video games till I had got the apartment cleaned. After cleaning Zach decided he wanted to go fishing so we went and fished for probably close to two hours till lunch time and didn't really catch much. During lunch we watched Spider Man 2 and just as it was getting good the power got turned off, because Jim was working on something, so the put an end to our movie watching. We got the BB guns out and shot those for awhile and then went fishing again to end the day. Tuesday I was in class till lunch time, so we ate lunch and then went fishing for a awhile. Zach caught a good sized bass and ran inside to tell his mom and to get a camera. So we got a picture taken, I was holding the fish because he is still afraid of them, go figure, and that was how we ended Tuesday.

This weekend was wonderful. Thursday night Sara B and her roommate, Audrey, got in for the weekend. Ray and I helped them bring their stuff in after everyone said greetings and gave hugs. After that pretty much everyone went to bed except me because I was watching tv and waiting for Sara B and Audrey to get unpacked. They came out and we watched AFV and chatted for an hour and a half, mostly laughing, and I was really enjoying hearing Sara B laugh, she was cracking Audrey and I up because she was laughing so hard.

Friday, I got up and cut some more cedar logs and put them in position to be picked up. After that I got cleaned up and eat my lunch and visited/listened to Sara B, Audrey and Rebbecca talk and we worked out when we could go riding, which was Saturday. After lunch I my haircut by Erin and while that was happen Zach and his dad come over to go fishing and Zach wanted me to go with them. After I got my hair cut I went and got a pole. Sara B and Audrey came out to see Zach and Sara B wished me luck with fishing before they left to have lunch with Ray. The wind was blowing pretty good and so I was working my way around the pond to get the wind at my back and didn't get and nibbles or anything till I got to the far side. On the far side I caught a smaller bass finally and a bit later I had a bass come up a bump my lure just as I was pulling it out to cast again. The next cast I hook a monster four or five pound bass. She didn't put up much of a fight because it was so cold out but man I was really surprised at the size, she was a monster. Has to be the biggest fish in the pond. It was a really nice gift from God to catch such a big fish after not getting anything in the past several days. I fished for a bit more but the sun went away and the wind kept blowing, which made me get the chills so I went in to warm up. Around three Luke called so I talked to him while he was on his way home from work. We had a good visit, just talking about stuff. Anyway while talking to Luke I got a phone call from Montgomery and figured it was Rebbecca, so I waited till Luke and I finished before calling back. Turned out it was Sara B asking if we could go riding, so I called the Jacksons to make sure it was ok and the three of us, Sara B, Audrey and I, headed out there at about 4:30. We got the horses and I had the girls brush them while I got the saddles ready. We rode around the field for a bit so I could see how Pedro was going to be and to see how Audrey would do on Heart, because this was only her third or so time riding. Everyone was doing good, so I asked if they wanted to go ride in the woods and of course they were up for it. We heading into the woods and right near the start Pedro started getting freaked out over a pile of leaves, so I was talking to him and got him to cross them after a few tries. Pedro has definitely not been in the woods much, because he was like, ahhhhhh nature! get it off get it off!!! Anyway I had a lot fun riding him in the woods. We rode around in the woods dodging trees and branches and listening to Audrey "talk" to Heart, because he likes to take you under trees with low branches, as she was dodging branches and getting him to go where she wanted him to go. We survived the woods and got some good laughs, so we headed back to the field to do some loping and galloping. I did some galloping on Pedro and a lot of trotting, man his trot is brutal, bouncy, bouncy. Sara did a lot of loping and some galloping on Jake. It was beautiful to watch her ride and the motion of the horse as his tail and mane are flowing in the wind. The harmony between rider and horse is just beautiful to see in motion, thank you God for such a privilege. While Sara B and I were doing that Audrey was riding Heart around a bit and Heart decided he wanted to go to the lower gate. I rode over to assist in encouraging and directing Audrey to show Heart who was boss and that he could not get away with what he was doing. After a bit of a battle Audrey won and Heart was much better about listening for the rest of the time. We rode some more and before we headed back to the barn we did a cooling off lap around the whole field to get the horses cooled of, mostly for Jake though. After riding we went and got the horses brushed and put back and before leaving we went and said hi to the Jacksons and chatted a bit. We ended up riding for about two and half hours. Everyone had a lot of fun, Sara B and I could barely walk but it was all good. When we got back everyone had eaten dinner already so the three of us had dinner together from the left overs and it was nice.

Saturday we had breakfast and sat around the table talking till about noon, before doing some other things. About one I was going to call and make reservations for Georgetown but first I had to find out if Sara B and Audrey could come. They where going to go to Spring Sing because Sara B didn't want to waste the tickets she thought her parents had bought. When she found out they hadn't paid for then the decision was easy. I made the reservations for 7pm since that was the earliest they had open for eleven people. About then Ray called seeing if Zach and I could help move some wood and Sara B and Audrey wanted to come. We piled into the Explorer and headed to Al's to load up some wood. They were big trees cut in to about ten foot chunks. We had to make three trips because the were so heavy. Sara B and Audrey were are moral support team since most of the wood was so big. Zach and I surprised them in what we could lift and we got called Hercules :) hehe. Anyway it was fun and a good work out. It was about 4:30 when we finished so I changed clothes and got some food and came and watched Hidalgo and after Sara B and Audrey had finished getting there food ready they came back and joined me. At first Audrey didn't want to sit on the couch because she was afraid of spilling beans on the couch, so we gave her a bad time about it and got her to move to the couch hehe. We watched Hidalgo till it was time to leave. Sara B, Audrey, Dan, Abraham, Zach and Bethany all piled into the van and Erin, Hannah and Amy got in to her car to follow us. We got to Georgetown a little early and had our picture taken out front. Oh yeah, it was Audrey, Amy, Bethany, Dan, Hannah and Zach's first time coming to Georgetown and they all liked it. On they way back we had to go over some railroad tracks and bit of a dip right after them and I did it a bit fast and everyone got a good laugh out if it and later one we got back to Searcy I did a break check at the stop light and that really made everyone laugh. It was a really good day.

Sunday was good but a bit sad at the same time. We had a big easter lunch and got easter baskets that we had to look for. We also had family pictures taken before lunch and looking for the baskets. The reason it was a bit sad was it was time for Sara B and Audrey to go back to ACU. Audrey told me she didn't want to leave :( I definitely would have liked them to stay around longer, but that's life. We said our goodbyes and gave hugs and wished safe journeys. I was glad to finally meet one of Sara B's ACU friends and she was a really cool girl. After they had gone Zach and I went fishing and didn't catch anything :( I did find a baby turtle, which was neat. I think that is pretty much all the big stuff that happened. It was really a wonderful weekend and I had a great time hanging out with Sara B and Audrey, riding was the best part for sure. God is good. ~Semper Fi

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nature for the Soul

Lightning flashing in the distance while warm rain comes down in a soft sprinkle, making tiny rippling rings on the surface of the pond. Peaceful and quiet it was, just me and a fishing pole. Fishing away enjoying the soothing touch nature has ones soul. It was beautiful and really nice, just to be outside enjoying the freshness after a good rain. Sunday was really nice as well. I went out to the Jackson's and spent the whole time brushing, doing ground work and a bit of riding with Pedro. He is a good horse, just people shy. It was really nice just to go out there and be around horses and the quietness. Nature for the win. ~Semper Fi

Friday, March 16, 2007

Robbed by Raccons a True story

Allan, Dan and I get back from walking and eating ice cream to find food from inside our cooler has been taken. Found a broken egg on a bench. Open cooler to find a piece of chicken is missing. Take our food stuffs to van, while up there a raccoon comes and sits on our table. We are not even 50ft away. I charge with our axe, coon runs. We hear a bunch of noise around our camp and get the flashlight out and see at least five different sets of eyes. They begin to encircle us, making growling noises. We through rocks and scare them away. Here is where I begin a time log, it follows.

set trap with remaining piece of chicken
make spears
egg is broken
got more wood
bait shifted to optimal position after raccoon pattern of assault is known
raccoon escaped with chicken
we pursue
recover half of the chicken
last of the wood put in fire
assaulted by five from the water
spear launched negative hit
Allan is being surrounded while Dan and I look for more wood
Distress call received
Dan set back to assist
I return with more wood
attack pattern changes again. 4th pattern used
raccoons very cautious
Peanuts become rationed
too quiet
While singing to God raccoon comes
Wait for him to be upon the chicken
I launch spear. Direct hit!
No blood drawn
chicken reset for his friend above us
God has been good to us
I score a second hit on a raccoon
Scripture reading
Another attempt
Ended night with a prayer
Dan remains vigilant
Dan hits raccoon with rock it limps away
Allan and I get back out of bed
Another sitting
Smell of skunk in the air
Not a skunk, stupid raccons

After that nothing else showed up so Allan and I went back to bed while Dan stayed up longer. Nothing else happened after that and Dan finally came to bed around nine am. We had a ton of fun that night try to kill a raccoon and just waiting for them. It was really creepy at first because they weren't really scared of us and the growling noise and the sound they made, sounded like something much bigger moving in the woods, when they weren't trying to be sneaky. We had a huge dinner of a two and half pound steak and chicken. After dinner we went and each of us got a pint of ice cream to eat. While eating the ice we walked over to the diving cliffs and just sat and talked and laughed. We went hiking earlier before dinner on a nice trail, so we ended up walking close to six miles that day. On our way back we stopped and Sugar Loaf and climbed to the top which pretty much wiped us out completely. That will be camping trip I will never forget, it was so fun and relaxing. I have pictures of course under the album - Camping Spring Break 07 That is all for know. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yay! A New Post

Today I went out into the woods and built myself a little fire to help focus my thoughts in preparation for time with only God and his creation. While I was looking for my old spot God gave me a couple of nice gifts. The first one was a two point buck skull, a bit later a came upon a tree in full blossom, which was just beautiful out in the middle of a pine forest and I even found a softball from last year, home run for the win. I never did find my old spot because the forest has changed so much, but I finally found a nice place to sit and make the fire under some trees. After the fire was going I got my Bible out and just opened it up and started read some random page. But the wind was blow at just the right angle to flip the pages like a person would, so it was like God was right there show me some specific verses, because he would stop on a page long enough for me to read and then move on to another page, it was really neat. The book of Colossians and Romans 8:6-8 really spoke to me. I really enjoyed my time outside in the quiet with just nature sounds around me and the crackle of the fire. God is good.

Yesterday Allan, Erin and I went to visit Caleb and Lindsey. Caleb had gotten some massive, like 20oz size, steaks to cook for dinner. So the guys were outside around the charcoal grill cooking the steaks, while the girls were inside chatting and getting the rest of the food ready. Caleb and never had cooked steak on a grill be for so I was giving some advice on that while Allan kept the fire from getting to hot, because the streak had gotten put on to early. Oh man was the steak good. We also had mashed potatoes and spinach and carrot salad, mmm tasty. After dinner we played apples to apples for awhile and before we left we had a little devo with singing, a verse and a prayer. On our way back we got caught in a speed trap, because Allan's, speed odometer is broken, but got no ticket. The best part though was as the cop was looking at Allan's stuff his cell phone rang and it was the theme song to Cops, lol. Anyway after that nothing eventful happend. It was a really good time and was great to see them. Spring break is going great so far. ~Semper Fi

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This weekend was great

I had such a great time this weekend. Sara B came in Thursday, which was somewhat of a surprise. Friday night Ray, Sara B and I went to a academy game, which brought back memories of going to Sara B's games with Bethany. Saturday was the best day for sure. Sara B and I went riding even though it was really winding and cold. The Jackson's oldest son, Rayel(spelling is probably wrong), went with us for awhile. First we went riding in the woods, which kept us out of the wind and pretty warm, after that we road around in the field doing some trotting and I was giving Rayel pointers on how to keep his seat better. After awhile Rayel got cold and went in. Sara switched to the pony Rayel was riding, because she wanted to go faster then a trot, she was on a pregnant horse. After a bit more of riding and Sara B getting run through tree branches by the stupid punk pony, she got battle wounds on her face but nothing serious. I finally got her to give Jake a try, he was getting tired because I had been galloping around moving pretty fast with him, so he was not as wired and rearing to go as normal. Sara B got on and I watched while I used the pony for an arm rest, she started off trotting and loping. She lost her hat a couple of times when she started going faster. She got to gallop back end forth several times and it was so neat to watcher and I was really happy she finally had a great experience going faster then a trot. She did almost get wiped out on her last trip across the field because she went under some pine trees, but she dodged and ducked and came out unscathed. I got worried for a sec when she went under, but was very glad she made it. We both got ridiculously sore from it and Sara B had to drive eight hours on Sunday, yesterday she said she could barley walk and I believe it. We both had so much fun, it was the highlight of the weekend. Saturday night Caleb and Lindsey came over and we played Catan, it was pretty fun. That's it for now. ~Semper Fi

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Not much really went on last week. I didn't have school because the teachers was gone, but he did give us take home tests. Thursday I painted one of the bathrooms and it only took about four hours to mask and paint it all. I think the fumes from the nasty oil based paint got to me and made me really tired for the rest of the week especially on Sunday. Saturday, Zach, Ray and I cut up some downed cedar for poles and post. That night we watched Braveheart and I had forgotten how much I love that movie. It was really good to watch it. Today the guys actually out numberer the girls at dinner and of course we had fun with that, lots of laughing. That pretty much sums up the weekend, lots of laughing, it was good. Anyway that's all for now. ~Semper Fi

Friday, February 02, 2007

Snow. Snow. Snow

Wednesday was a really good day. Class was fun because the teacher was showing us objects that could have a finite volume but infinite surface area, yeah wrap your head around that :) hehe anyway that was fun. Came back and spent about two hours preparing for leading group and while doing that I realized I was misplacing some expectations and needed to redirect them at God, which I am now doing and my mood has improved. Group went really good and had some good discussion. I am really glad Ray decided to have each of us take a turn at leading the group and we even have to sit in the "teachers spot". I know it is really going to put a few of the guys way outside their comfort zone, because I was a bit, but it will be good for them. Before Bible study was over it snowed and started getting icy and Erin and Allan got stuck on a hill, so Branson, Jeramey, Zach and I piled into the explorer and rode to the rescue. We almost got the explorer stuck on the hill but popped it into four wheel drive and backed out of or mess. That was our adventure for the night. Allan, Branson and Jeramey stayed the night and all classes got moved back two hours so we didn't have to get up early and so we watched Hidalgo. Both my classes got canceled which gave me a four day weekend, aw ya.

Not much happened on Thursday, did some programming, gaming, ping-pong with Allan and talked to Luke. Today was good as well. Played video games and ping-pong with Allan and talked to Luke again. Hopefully I will get to talk to Sara B this weekend since it has been quite a while since I have. She has been really, really busy with school, so she hasn't be able to talk. Anyway I think that's about it for now. ~Semper Fi

Monday, January 29, 2007

Tired I am

I am really tired at the moment so this post will have all sorts of typing errors and what not. You have been warned. Any way I don't know what the deal is but I swear I have had a dream just about every night since I have been back and this is really really unusual. I never have dreams and I is getting annoying. I haven't slept that great regardless of when I go to bed or get up since being back and it is getting old. To add more to it I am under siege again and it has been really intense at times, but I am holding and in constant communion with headquarters. Prayers are appreciated. This semesters Bible study is going to be really good. We have a small group of just guys and we are the 'old school' members. We are going to be taking turns leading the group in study and I have a feeling it is going to be very good for all those involved, especially for the couple of younger guys we have in the group. This Wednesday is my turn since I volunteered to go next to get it over with. Pray that it goes well and that God will speak through me. I need to get to bed. God bless. Semper Fi

Thursday, January 18, 2007

First week of school done.

Today(Thursday), I finished my first week of the new semester. Thanks to an awesome part time schedule I only have school four days of the week. I get done at 9am on Monday and Wednesday and done at 11:15 Tuesday and Thursdays. The only draw back to being done so early is I have to get up at 6:45 those four days, but no school on Fridays makes it worth it. Flying back was a long trip but it went smoothly. I did get to see Sara B before she left and gave her her presents. She really like all of them even the Superman energy drink can. We got to talk and I showed her the pictures we had taken over break and told her about all the stuff we did, it was nice. She and a bunch of her friends from ACU are coming up for the weekend if the weather holds, so it will be nice to meet her friends. Man I have some much free time on my hands right now, I have been work on a programming project recently and will have to find so more stuff to do. It is really quiet here with only Amy, Erin and I living here. Not sure if I like that much or not. Allan is talking about moving and I am hoping he does. The other day I went to Walmart to get some stuff and I saw Batteries Not Included and bought it along with Mortal Kombat and Saving Private Ryan. Wednesday it was really good to see everyone got back to school and catch up with friends. Talked to Bethany Monday night and she is doing good minus more grad papers as usual. Did talked to her for a while and told her how Christmas went and asked her how her's went, good visit it was. Keep your eyes on Christ and you will be able to walk on top of the problems of this world. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Today it snowed for most of the day, so I went hiking up to Goose Rock while it was snowing and wow was it amazing, beautiful and peaceful. I talked to God and thanked him for such an amazing gift on my way to the top. When I got to the top I sat down to catch my breath and to just listen and enjoy the wonder before me. After I caught my breath I attempted to build a snowman, but while I was looking for suitable sticks for arms and a mohawk he fell over. :( I walked around on the top some more and before I started down I made a snow angel. It was a good adventure today, parts of the trails I took had me climbing and walking on trees, through flooded parts and up slippery rocks. Fun indeed. Pursue God first and foremost and life will be a joy. ~Semper Fi

Monday, January 08, 2007

Break about done

Friday, Nick and I hauled and split wood from our grandparents property to our house for most of the day. Then the whole family had dinner at their house. Chicken, rice, fruit and vegetables, it was a good meal after a good days work. Saturday, morning we had two trees across the bottom of our driveway, so dad, Nick and I spent the whole day cleaning that up. It was quite the work out and a very long and tiring day, but felt good to get something done. We also watched the Seattle vs Dallas game and man were we on the edge of our seats for the last quarter. It was one of the best games I have seen in my whole life, oh man was it a cliffhanger. Seattle did win in the end 21-20. Geez was it a game. That's it for the interesting stuff. Break is nearly over and I can say I am ready to get back. It has been relaxing and a lot of fun to be home with the family and see the grandparents. But I am ready to get back and see every one, especially Sara B before she goes back to ACU. God be your source of strength. ~Semper Fi

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Nature. Good for the Soul

Yesterday it rained most of the day and I was getting restless being couped up inside, but God stopped the rain just in time for a nice hike before it got dark. Nick and I went up to the top of Goose Rock. It was so green, beautiful, lush, peaceful and physical. Just what I needed. At the top was a wonderful view of the ocean and little wisps of fog floating through the trees and just being able to see the sun setting through the gray clouds. Today, Erin, Nick and I went hiking down to North Beach and then around the base of Goose Rock. At the beach Nick and I continued the tradition of hitting rock in to the water. The sound of the ocean is so relaxing and consistent. On our way back we did some rock climbing and took some edge trails. Having to climb over massive fallen trees and up steep hills by exposed tree roots equals a good day of adventure. Adventure another requirement for a healthy life and soul.

I am realizing even more how much I need to get out and just sit and be still before the LORD and his creation. It is really refreshing and recharging after fighting against the dark one. Just siting, listening and praying in out in the woods by myself is so refreshing. I can completely understand why Jesus would go away by himself to be with his Father and nature. It does wonders for the soul to just be out away from everything and have nothing but what you can carry. Following God where ever he leads me has been a amazing adventure, filled with wonderful surprises, challenges, enemies and rewards. God is my king and friend. ~Semper Fi

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Not much

The New Year party was pretty fun. We played a guys vs girls game of Pictionary. The girls got all the way to the end while the guys were only half way, but we came back and almost won the game. Nick, Mike and I began the new year gamer style by playing WoW till 3am in the morning, which was a lot of fun as well. Yesterday we didn't do much at all, just kind of relaxed and hung and played StarCraft. We were going to go paintball but it was all cruddy outside.

Break is going kind of slow, but I am having fun spending time with my brother and Dad. I do miss home number two and will be glad to be back when break gets over. I definitely miss my friends since I don't have any that are close, they are all at least 45mins or more away. Satan has been after me this week and it is really getting tiresome. He keeps trying to plant seeds of doubt in me towards a relationship I value very much and I am getting tired of it. I need to be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him. Keep me in your prayers. ~Semper Fi