Saturday, March 04, 2006

The tomorrow post

Last Friday, Sara had game number two in a tournament to see who would win regionals. The game was tense for a while because they were playing a team they totally dominated in all previous meetings, but they were losing for part of the game, it didn't help that the refs were favoring the other highly, 8-1 in fouls until the very end when it didn't matter anymore. They won in the end even though they were playing against a team, the refs and at the start themselves. After the game we came home and I met Bethany's sister Rachel and her two friends Chelsea and Christy. We chatted a bit while we waited to go out to dinner because those that went to the game hadn't eaten yet. We went out to a Chinese buffet place and I eat three plates of food since I was really hungry, mmm tasty. After that went back and Caleb, Lindsay and Alycia were over because Alycia was taking Caleb and Lindsay, who was leaving her truck at the house, to the train station in Little Rock around 10:30. We didn't do much else that night, but around 11:30 I get a call from Caleb saying the directions he got were no good and he needed some help. I was looking it up on Google Local, when he told me they were stopping at McDonalds to get directions, since they were really close. The directions they got there worked and they made it to the train station. Then I went to bed.

Saturday, had breakfast as usual and then we all kinda just bummed around the house till about seven when it was time for Sara's final game of the tournament against their rivals, who they have lost to in their three previous games. It was an intense game and one of the best of the season. The teams were only a few points apart the entire game, but Sara's team won in the end and were regional champs. After the game we headed home and played some games and then went to bed.

Sunday went to church and had a huge lunch with a bunch of friends at home. Then I bummed around the house until later that night when we played Loaded Questions and I wrote about that below, but another funny one that came up was, what is your worst physical feature? The answers were all related to hands or feet, but Rachel's was the funniest with corpse feet. After that we actually played hide'n'go seek in the house that was a lot of fun and I was the last one found the two rounds we played, leet hiding skillz for the win! ~Semper Fi

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