Friday, Sara had an away game so the usual people went(Ray, Rebecca, Bethany & I) plus Zak. It was a good game which they won. Then we went out to dinner before coming home since we hadn't eating dinner yet. When we got back Bethany, Sara and I finally finished this 2000 piece puzzle we had been working on over the last couple of weeks and just as we were putting in the last couple of pieces we came up short and had little nooooo and booing, but luckily after looking around for a bit I got down to look under the table legs and say the last piece reflect light so it stuck really well against the patterned carpet. After it was placed and the puzzle finished there was much rejoicing and a few pictures taken.
Saturday, there was no breakfast because Rebecca was having a ballet troupe over for lunch, so a bunch of girls were cooking and getting everything ready for them. Then they came over and ate and chatted for a bit before heading out to the school to setup. Several of us guys went to help them setup, because they needed some muscle to do some heavy lifting. I got a good work out from moving some of that stuff. The light bases, sandbags to hold them down and their rolls of floor mat were pretty hefty. The heaviest thing I was enlisted to move was their light controller box or power supply thing, whatever it was, it was heavy. I enlisted Allan to come help get it up the stairs and he must have been surprised and made some comment about me working out, but I told him, you would be surprised how much strength you build cutting wood and doing other heavy grunt work. Before moving that big box, Lydia, who is from Washington insta connection, was telling me about the rivalry that they have going for the Super Bowl and on our way over to the box she point out two Steelers fans, so I booed them and that got a laugh out of them hehe.Well after getting all setup we guys headed back home for some relaxing before the ballet.
The ballet was really neat and I enjoyed it. It was the story of Ruth put into a 1900s setting. They had some neat costumes and dance routines, quite enjoyable. After that was over we started tearing everything down and packing up. By then it was 11pm and we still had to go over to the high schools caf and eat some dinner, man was I hungry by then. Just after praying for dinner, Sarah and Mandy went to move some stuff to Veasna's truck and they found a cd stuck to the front of her truck and it was from a guy in her apartment complex, so we started giving her a bad time about it. At some point we started making a song/rap about the situation and Mandy said something like, "I'll make you back bend" and I followed a few secs later with "I'll bust a cap in your rear end", which killed the entire table and made my stomach hurt from all the laughing, lol it still makes me laugh. After helping clean up, we headed home to bed.
Sunday, other than doing homework and going to church, nothing else happened of any note that I can remember.
Monday night I spent about an hour watching/playing with Cole, having a good time and it was a little taste of being a dad and it was nice and is something I am looking forward to. After push him on his trike, at hi-speed of course, I was pooped out, but it was all good.
Oh yeah here are some pics of all the wood I chopped last semester, the platform, the wood is on, is 8x8x4ft to give you a reference.

And here is a picture of my current project of putting down a stone walk way. I will post an updated picture next time.

Well how was that for an update. Before I forget if you read this leave a comment even if its just hello, I would appreciate it much. And as always continue prayers of wisdom, strength and fearlessness for me. May God bless you as much as He has me. ~Semper Fi
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