Life has been really great lately, even though myself and everyone I talk to is ready for a break from school work. Last weekend was a lot of fun. Friday Alycia, Caleb, Jess and Emily came over to play games, but first Alycia made some tasty pasta and Caleb mad garlic bread, mmm good. While we where sitting there eating and chatting Zak said something about playing a hunting game on my comp and how it was fun to shoot the animals or something and Bethany made some crack about how it would be fun to shoot me, which surprised me and made me happy that another girl would take a shot at me, that hasn't really happened since the time I had Lindsy for a partner in Pictionary a long time ago. I enjoy it when people give me a hard time or make cracks about me, even though it may not appear that way on the outside. Then we played jungle Uno, which is the only way to play Uno. After that we played a couple of rounds of mexican train before calling it a night.
Saturday was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a while. Got up and eat breakfast outside in the sun, chatting and talking about various funny things. After breakfast Alycia and I watched Batman Begins, great moving. Then we started to watch an anime but had to stop because Cole was in the room and it was much to gory for a two and half year old. Later several of us watched Singing in the Rain, it was my first time seeing it. I really enjoyed it and got a lot of laughs. Later Alycia and Erin made dinner, man was that a feast. After that we watched Batman Begins, because Ray actually wanted to use his own TV :) Anyway I still enjoyed it even if it was the second time that day.
Sunday was pretty uneventful, except for lunch and the amount of pizza I ate, ten pieces and I have no idea where I put all of it. Did some work on a personal project and watched a good football game.
Today was great until about 3pm when I learned that my GUI test was today and not Wednesday like I thought, so I totally bomb that test. Its all good though because I have gotten A's on all my homework and projects and a B on the previous test. I really wanted to work outside today and get started on splitting wood but it rained pretty much all day. Also the girls where over again and made some more great food. I am getting spoiled with all this great food and being surrounded by such great ladies.
God has been good. I need to write down the things he has done for me so that I can share them. ~Semper Fi
Monday, October 31, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Fighting for what I have
It occurred to be last night while I was sitting and thinking about a lot of things and being frustrated with FOG and trying to get that started, I have used a whole lot of ands, that every thing I have ever really wanted in life I have had to fight for, including the relationships I have and value so much with Luke, Alycia and my sister. I do firmly believe that anything worth having is worth fighting for and dying for if required. I also decided that my biggest struggle now is with fear itself and not acting on my intuition when I should be, because it very rarely leads me astray and I am constantly ask and seeking God's will. So pray for me that I my overcome these weaknesses. Something else I was thinking about was peoples priorities in life and how I how try to keep God first, others next and self last. I try my best to live out this and several other commitments I have made internally which I call my "Code of Honor". It is still unwritten put hopefully I will be able to make some progress on that. When I have it done it will be posted here. In case you don't remember what I mean when I say Semper Fi. It means this, Always faithful to God, family and friends. ~Semper Fi
Thursday, October 20, 2005
3 Day Weekend for the WIN!
I get a three day weekend because seminar is cancelled and so is my COBOL class. So I will be sleeping in tomorrow and spending most of the day on my GUI project and then maybe do some work on puff.
The surprise we had for Sara was, Luke, Caleb, Alan and I spelled her name out on white t-shirts, we really wanted to paint the letters on our chest but being at HU made that a no, no. When they called her name we all stood up and shouted and cheered, put a big smile on her face. I do have pictures that I will post as soon as I get them.
Last Saturday and Sunday I spent about 3-4 hours each day cutting down and cleaning up nine trees at the Montgomery's old house, with help of course. It made me sad to cut them down. I was excited and a little nervous about cutting the trees down, because I have never done that part before, but I have been taught very well by the years watching and helping my Dad bring down trees. All of them fell just where I wanted them to and that made me feel good. I sure do love running a chainsaw almost as much as I do doing weedeating. Grunt work for the win!
Tuesday night I was asked to lead Ray's small group on Wednesday and I had about nil time to prepare and I really don't like winging things like that, but a few people said I did a good job, but I feel like I bombed pretty good, but oh well so goes life and its learning experiences.
Well I think that is about it on whats happened since my last post. I am now going to play some video games for a bit before I go to bed. ~Semper Fi
The surprise we had for Sara was, Luke, Caleb, Alan and I spelled her name out on white t-shirts, we really wanted to paint the letters on our chest but being at HU made that a no, no. When they called her name we all stood up and shouted and cheered, put a big smile on her face. I do have pictures that I will post as soon as I get them.
Last Saturday and Sunday I spent about 3-4 hours each day cutting down and cleaning up nine trees at the Montgomery's old house, with help of course. It made me sad to cut them down. I was excited and a little nervous about cutting the trees down, because I have never done that part before, but I have been taught very well by the years watching and helping my Dad bring down trees. All of them fell just where I wanted them to and that made me feel good. I sure do love running a chainsaw almost as much as I do doing weedeating. Grunt work for the win!
Tuesday night I was asked to lead Ray's small group on Wednesday and I had about nil time to prepare and I really don't like winging things like that, but a few people said I did a good job, but I feel like I bombed pretty good, but oh well so goes life and its learning experiences.
Well I think that is about it on whats happened since my last post. I am now going to play some video games for a bit before I go to bed. ~Semper Fi
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Weekend almost here
Coach decided we where not ready to attack Huff and Puff yet so we went over it some more today and the teams will be assigned on Tuesday now. Tomorrow night is Sara's homecoming and since she was nominated for queen a bunch of us are going to go and cheer or boo depending on what happens. Luke and I have a little surprise for Sara but I will write about that later. I got seminar in the morning so I am going to bed. ~Semper Fi
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Just checking in with a blurb as I wait for my download to complete. Not much happened in the last two days and I was really tired yesterday so I didn't bother to write. Anyway tomorrow in file structures Coach will be assigning the Huff and Puff teams, which should be interesting. I'll let you know how that goes. Other then that I don't think I have much else going on. Small group went quite well today and I can't wait until FOG gets going cause I know that's going to be a fun learning and growing experience. Downloads done and I am going to bed. Good night. ~Semper Fi
Monday, October 10, 2005
No FOG tonight :(
Well there was no FOG tonight since everyone had things they had to do and that makes me sad. Next week will happen or I will have to have to give the guys hard time about commitment and keeping your word.
I haven't written about my spiritual state in a long time so here we go. This summer was a real low spot, almost as low as last fall, but being at school and around people that actually are seeking God and trying their hardest to follow him has made a huge difference for me. I have been reading the Bible and praying/having my thoughts focused on God till I fall asleep every night since the start of this semester and I feel so much better. I can also tell I am opening up some more and talking more comfortably around girls I don't know very well. That's another thing that seems strange to me is I have been getting attention from girls that hardly know me, Luke says its because I am talking more, but I don't feel like I am, oh well its all good. Anyway I have been doing really well and haven't been attacked hardly at all, but I bet it will come now since I wrote about it, oh well it won't be anything God won't provide a way out of. I could write some more but I am beat and need sleep. ~Semper Fi
I haven't written about my spiritual state in a long time so here we go. This summer was a real low spot, almost as low as last fall, but being at school and around people that actually are seeking God and trying their hardest to follow him has made a huge difference for me. I have been reading the Bible and praying/having my thoughts focused on God till I fall asleep every night since the start of this semester and I feel so much better. I can also tell I am opening up some more and talking more comfortably around girls I don't know very well. That's another thing that seems strange to me is I have been getting attention from girls that hardly know me, Luke says its because I am talking more, but I don't feel like I am, oh well its all good. Anyway I have been doing really well and haven't been attacked hardly at all, but I bet it will come now since I wrote about it, oh well it won't be anything God won't provide a way out of. I could write some more but I am beat and need sleep. ~Semper Fi
Sunday, October 09, 2005
What I did this weekend

Later that day a big group of friends and a few of their parents went to Georgetown for catfish, which I don't like very much, but it was fun as usual. That is the group to right that went to Georgetown. After Georgetown we came back and played some card games and watched a movie.
Saturday I slept in for once since there was no breakfast. At 3pm we started playing baseball/softball, mostly just taking turns batting and pitching and teaching Alan, who has never played baseball the basics, he really enjoyed it. After playing for about two and half we called it quits and went and got free food at the cookout Harding was having for parents weekend. Allan was supposed to have dinner with a friend and didn't want to go by himself so I went with him. She had cooked eggs, bacon and biscuits and they where tasty. Then we drove her over to the art building and she showed us some of her projects. We also ran in to Mandy, who was working on a painting there as well. After that Allan and I heading back to my house to hang out and play Sequence and we finished the night with a movie.
Tomorrow is the first meeting of my FOG(Fellowship of Gamers) group its a fellowship/Bible study group. I am kind of nervous as I have never lead anything like this so pray for wisdom and guidance for me and the guys involved. Well thats it for this post. ~Semper Fi
Friday, October 07, 2005
Keeping this short
I have a pretty good story to share about what Luke and I did today but you will have to wait till tomorrow because I am way to tired to write anymore. Good night, God bless. Semper Fi
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I'm tired
So tired I am. Writing much I am not. My day went pretty good, got my DALF(Direct Access Fixed Length) program finished and turned in. I am really starting to learn some cool stuff in File Structures, we have been learning about the Huffman compression algorithm and we will be having a class competition between assigned teams to see which team can implement the algorithm the best, I am looking forward to it. Bible class was finally interesting, we talked about the problem of evil and the various arguments put forth by people. English was good as usual, I didn't fall asleep this time, probably because I had half a liter of Mountain Dew in the morning and then a liter of Pepsi for lunch. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my GUI teacher and going over my spiffy paint program that we had to do for our first project, I am looking forward to seeing what he has to say. I have seminar in the morning to at 7:05am :( so I am going to bed now. Semper Fi
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Camping Trip Finished

Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Camping Trip Continued

Monday, October 03, 2005
Camping Trip

Sunday, October 02, 2005
New Week, New Promise
I know it has been ages since the last post but being without Internet for over a month and not have much desire to write adds up, but I am going to make a commitment to post everyday from now on. Tomorrow I will write a real post about what's been going on lately. Until then, Semper Fi.
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