Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Finally done with the semester

Took my last final today at 8am :( It's nice being done with the semeseter finally.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

BAH girls are stupid

Maybe I will write on above topic after I finish my stupid paper for class. BAH I really need to beat something up. Wish I had a horse and some mountains to go to for a few days, alas I am stuck in stupid Arkansas without a horse or mountains.

On a better note my buddy Luke will be here this weekend so hopefully we can do some thing fun on a weekend for once.

Friday, November 12, 2004

It's about time for a new post.

On Wednesday I took a Bible test for my Romans class over chapters 6-8 and I did really well and my three page paper, that was due, turned in to a five page paper since I had about three pages just on Romans 6 and still had to fit 7 and 8 in there :) Other then that I haven't had much in the way of homework or studying. Well it's almost 2 am so I guess I should go to bed. Good night

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

2 down 1 to go

I just wasted 2 hours playing the gayest war3 map ever with a bunch of losers with bad attitudes, won't be doing that ever again.

In more important news I took my second test today and it went well. I have one more test to take and it is on Friday in software engineering. My sister got back to school safe and sound and my parents will be returning home on Saturday.

I will be going to bed early for once, early = before 2am hehe

Good night.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

1 down 2 to go

Had my first test of the week in Operating Systems and I think I did very well on it. I have a test in Enviromental science tomorrow which shouldn't be to bad. In other news my sister will be back from my Grandpa's funeral tomorrow, so pray for a safe journey. That's it for today. Good night.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

3 post in 3 days oh my

I was at a LAN part all day and it was quite fun. Not as good as mine back home but fun nothing less. It was good to meet some more of the people I play with. Well I'm real tired so this is short and sweet. Good night.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Sad day :(

My Dad's father just passed away yesterday morning and my dad, mom and sister are leaving this morning to fly there. So please prayer for a safe trip, peace and comfort, especially for my dad.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

MMmmmmmm yes

Yes I know it has been twenty days since my last post. Things have been pretty busy for me school wise. My software engineering team is rather disorganized and having to do all these formal documents and planning is a real pain. I feel like I could code the whole project in two to three days easy but this class is all about learning proper design procedures and lots of paper work. :(

I will write some more tomorrow I promise. :) Time for some school relief rawr

Friday, October 08, 2004


It really pisses me off when people spew words and don't follow them up with the actions they just spoke about, they are meaningless and waste of time and air. When ever someone is like we should TRY and get together and do something, I just start tuning them out. DO or DO NOT there is NO TRY. It is the same thing as say I'm a Christain and then doing nothing it is as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Why is it so hard to say lets do this on this day, make a commitment. Is it really that hard to keep your word. If you cant then keep your worthless words to yourself.

"As the body with out the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."(James 2:26)

The same goes for words with out action they are just empty words.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

2 tests today :(

After my rant earlier I felt much better. My science test went ok probably got a C on it. Bible on the other hand went very well and I think I got a high B maybe A. Bible study was pretty good tonight. Had some ok fried rice there, it filled the void so I wont whine too much. Well I'm tired so good night.

Feeling Caged

Somtimes I wish I was born into a warriors society long ago. I am beginning to feel caged again and I am just tired of people. It would be really nice to just be able to live in a cabin in the wilderness away from people.

begin rant
Today in chapel the speaker spoke on living up to the Christain name and how names make you who are and some other general BS an did not use a single scripture in the whole 45mins he spoke, what the hell is that. This seems to be the trend these days, lets preach without using the Bible and have a Bible study without using the Bible. It is stupid and pointless.
end rant

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Almost 2am hehe

Well I got my OS test back today and I did a lot better on it then I thought. Made a 76 which is good for the amount of studying I was able to do with a three test and a migraine that week. This week is so easy. No test, bible class is canceled and my software engineer class is canceled today, so I have one class today, my 9:45. I'm going to chapel then class then sleep. Saturday we a had a small BBQ which was pretty fun. The hamburgers where a bit on the salty side from the sauce that was used on them. Well I'm not really tired but need to go to bed any way. Good Night

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Thursday is a good day

Well I took my OS test and I don't think I did so good. I just haven't been able to study very hard the last two days because of a migraine and just not feeling well at all. Oh well it was only the first so plenty of time to make it up. I am feeling much better migraine is all but gone and tomorrow is Friday wahoooo. I got seminar in the morning so I have to get up at the ungodly time of 6:50am. Man is that early oh well nothing some mountain dew can't cure. Good Night.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Look its 1:00am again...

Just got done playing the best NS:Combat game ever. I am soo pumped up from it I'm going to have trouble getting to sleep. Any way had a one test yesterday and have a test operating systems today and Friday I have a test in software engineering. So lots of studying going on lately. Not much else is new these days. The dark one hasn't been bother me at all this week and I chalk that up to constant prayer from family and friends. I have really started enjoying reading the Bible again and have been doing that every night for a few months now. It is really helping as well. Well I really need to get some sleep so I won't be a zombie in the morning. Night thanks for the prayers and keep them coming. Semper Fi

Sunday, September 12, 2004

1:00am Sunday Morning

Well this week was very long and I still haven't finished all the homework and studing for my test on Monday. Thanks to all this work I had to miss out on a relaxing weekend at Sarah's house. Man do I need some time on a horse in the woods or galloping through streams. What makes it even worse is I would have been the only guy with a bunch of cool girls. ARG stupid academics. But I guess I need to learn some stuff and get a piece of paper that says I know this computer science stuff. I have been struggling with the throne in my side a lot this past week, so pray for strength and wisdom to resit and see the way out. Well I'm tired and I got Church in the morning. Good night, sleep well and God bless and keep us all safe especially our troops.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Homework sucks :(

Well not really but those of you in collage know how boring and tedious the reading for class can get. I have already read for two hours today and that was just for one class. I still have to study for my first exam of the semester and see if I have any homework dur for my Bible class. Not much else has been going on lately aside from school stuff. It is nice to be back around my school buddies again. I had really missed the Wednesday night Bible study I attend while down here., but that started up a couple of weeks ago and it has been really nice to go and meeting some new people. I need to find some guys that like to go hiking or camping and do that more. Well I'm going to go make some pancakes for dinner now so laters.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Been awhile

Have been really busy at school so you wont here to much from me.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Man what a long weekend

Over 800 miles in 2 days and man am I tired. The wedding went well. The best part was when the best man went to get the ring out and acted like he didnt have it and they went down the line like that and finaly the last guy pulled a cracker jack box out and passed it up the line and the best man pulled the ring out, it was even shrinked wrapped, and handed it to the groom, man was his face red hehehe everyone got a good laugh out of that. Satin really attacked me multiple times today but I resisted and quoted some scripture in my head and he left. Sent my sister back to school today as well other then that not much else to report on. Well I'm very tired so I'm going to bed. Good night and God bless.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Off to a wedding.

I'm off to a wedding tomorrow for a coulpe of friends I have known since they where in 7th and 8th grade. They both are younger then me and man it makes me feel old and I'm only 22. Oh well so goes life. God has a plan and path for everyone and my path has not lead me anywhere near that kind of relationship lots of friends but no one I could marry. The dark lord hasn't botherd me much at all today and I thank the Lord for that. Posting right before I go to bed seems to be a trend. Well you wont here much from me this weekend. Enjoy God's creation while you can and give thanks for all things.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Not much happening of late

Today was a good day. Couple of friends came over and we hang out at the beach and hit rocks with sticks and had a general good time. The dark lord hasn't bothered my much in the last two days. Reading the Bible every night before I sleep has helped a lot, so has praying till I fall asleep. There is something very comforting in ending they day taking to the lord of the universe. I would encourage you all to do the same. I have giving up on seeking empty pleasures to make me feel good. Instead I have began to fully seek the pure and holy joy that is only from Christ. Even though I will be an outcast in the world, I would rather have the world despise and hate me then to give up my soul to the eternal fires of hell. I know most people wouldn't understand why I choose such a path because they don't understand the joy that comes from being servant of the Most High. There is much I can share and will share in follow days on the joy I have that only comes from Christ. Good night good a faithful servants of the Most High

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

2am it is.

Just finished a good round of StarCraft with my bro and his buddy. The dark lord has attempted to attack me just now and I have beaten him back for now and James 4:7 came to mind

Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Well I did and he ran away like a scared little girl, until is next attack.

Monday, August 09, 2004

So it begins....

My day by day journal of my success and failures in my walk with Christ.

Not much happend today. Tomorrow I will post some real stuff.